I am talking about hair, make-up, clothing, physical modification. Not she things that are not specific changes made by choice.

  1. I like tight clothes that may even show parts of the body, that are usually hidden.

  2. I like a up do hair style, I guess. That’s cute. Nice eyebrows that don’t look artificial.

  3. For me the combination of shoes and the handbag can be a head turner. If you can match them up “right” (100 subjective and in my view) than I will tend you think you got something going on that I might like.

  4. Sultry eyes and natural look makeup and high volume hair (that sure we know takes you ages).

    Showing a bit of skin or a hint of cleavage etc but not too over the top.

    General pride in dress sense and some quirky style and accessories. Cool hats.

  5. It’s that little glance over towards me when I’ve said something she perceived as funny or witty hair covering the corner of her face
    Oh god she is so fine

  6. Clothing, no… I’m not talking about formfitting clothing. I’m talking about comfortable clothing. Perhaps a turtleneck sweater, pants or a skirt that fits, but not so much as to look like it’s practically painted on, etc.

    Suffice it to say, for me showing off less is actually better. It means that they’re actually confident in themselves and their personality.

    Showing themselves off with tight formfitting clothing is yeah… sure, it’s eye candy but to me it’s like a flash in the pan. Good for a few seconds but beyond that… yawn, there’s nothing there to really make me remember them.

  7. Which meaning of attractive? If you mean sexually attractive, I don’t like this meaning, but if you mean just attractive like, attract me to talk to her and etc. A easy one is being cute l, I’m indifferent to hair, women look good with any style, makeup is hard, is rare to find a woman that look good with it, unless you are Japanese, about clothing, one example would be dresses, long dresses are perfect and beautiful, the woman that wear the short short ones are just disrespecting themselves and I don’t know about physical modifications.

  8. Being kind. To everyone.

    Edit: Physically, very little make up. Jeans. Hoodie. Ponytail.

  9. Clothing that reveals choice parts, but only a little. Leaving something to the imagination but exposing enough to put the idea in my head is an art form.

  10. natural beauty gets me going. pretty eyes, a pretty smile, nice hair. nice figure. dressing feminine.

  11. Perfume or smell really good. If someone smells good when I first meet them, I’m more likely to remember and think of them. Scent is the closest sense to memory.

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