Who is the most physically attractive President in American History?

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  2. While president or at any time? Because if it’s at any time I’m going to go with young Gerald Ford.

  3. Successive presidents Millard Fillmore and Franklin Pierce, although bad chief executives, were considered attractive in their day. Queen Victoria saw Fillmore in London and remarked on his good looks. Pierce’s nickname was Handsome Frank.

  4. I personally call $50 bills “daddies.” That’ll give you all the info you need on what I think of Ulysses S. Grant.

  5. My super Republican grandparents still argue about that time grandma voted for Bill Clinton. She did so cause she thought he was cute. Lol.

    I’d have to say Teddy Roosevelt. I’d be like Le Fou sticking to Gaston if I was a rough Rider under his command.

  6. I like BBP (Big Beautiful Presidents), so Taft is the only real contender. And that mustache!

  7. As a Dude, I can say that JFK actually doesn’t look too bad! He actually looks like he is ready to run the country!

    Teddy Roosevelt, Coolidge, Lincoln, and this one is kind of funny, Obama, he actually doesn’t look too bad.

  8. I own a history book that describes Franklin Pierce as “Handsome, but ultimately useless”. That’s *got* to count for something.

  9. A lot of you are only looking at them as gray haired men. You have to find portraits of them when they were younger.

    Franklin Pierce, Rutherford Hayes, Ulysses Grant, and Gerald Ford had some nice portraits from when they were younger. They’d definitely be considered as having movie star/model type looks. Obviously, Reagan was an actor and had a winning smile too. In terms of the look from that era, I put him above JFK, honestly.

    Joe Biden recently made waves, too, for pictures of him from the 60s.

  10. Theodore Roosevelt, I’m asexual but that man is just so manly. Like straight up man’s man. Stone Cold Steve Austin but before pro wrestling.

  11. Not Lincoln. He was considered fairly ugly in his day, and he knew it.

    I’d say Washington, Kennedy, Reagan area all near the top.

  12. Greg Brady, but IMO, Marsha would have been an even more attractive Class President had she prevailed.

  13. A lot will say JFK but I don’t get it.

    I think Obama is catalogue handsome. Like I could see him modeling for Macy’s.

  14. Abe Lincoln did not have an attractive face, but apparently he was completely jacked.

    So I’d say Abe Lincoln if all the Presidents had to take their shirts off.

  15. Abe Lincoln. He was a wrestler, and was indicted in the wrestling hall of fame. But apparently t h ere was a history article that called him “ripped.”

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