I (16f) have known this guy josh (15m) since middle school. We met in PE class 8th grade while playing volleyball and we were put on the same team by chance out of all the other classes in the gym period. As we were playing volleyball I was making some jokes just being myself and I thought that was it. Later that day I get a text from him and he was making fun of how bad I was at volleyball. Fast forward a few months later and Valentine’s Day comes around josh tells me he likes me I said no just based on stuff I heard about him typical middle school drama. We part ways for awhile then we started snapping again after I got cheated on by my boyfriend at the time I dumped him and I was talking to a few guys (bad I know). After I calmed down a little bit he just randomly appeared in my dream nothing bad in the dream just a normal dream. I texted him when I was half asleep and told him and that’s when we started talking more. After awhile of texting with josh I realized he liked me again. For some reason I wasn’t feeling it so I used to speed walk away from him in the hallway. Until I met this one guy but it didn’t feel right to just leave josh hanging so I said “I’m sorry I may be wrong but I didn’t realize you liked me and I’m sorry for leading you on it took me awhile to catch on but I’m sorry I hope we can still be friends.” He said yeah “friends is okay”. So I went on my way to pursue this new guy. After a couple awkward interactions between him and my friends we made a mutual decision to end things. About a month or two later I see a picture of josh helping out in something and oddly enough I found it attractive so I texted him immediately “it’s really nice of you for what you do” He replied and said “thank you”. Recently I’ve realized that I caught feelings for him. So I texted him and asked if he’d ever talk again. He said “yes for sure” then we talked about it and he said “I’ve been attracted to you since 8th grade gym class but you’ve been the one that hasn’t been feeling it. So if you change your mind let me know and don’t be sorry id just rather know.” Then we talk it out a bit more. Then today he texted me and said
“I want to be honest with you and there is this girl that I have been talking to for the last 2 weeks and we’re hanging out later. I definitely want to be friends and talk to you. I just don’t want to lose a chance at a great friendship with you.”. I didn’t act like it hurt but it really did he kept on saying sorry and then he said “I’m turning into you.” Which made me feel horrible and I want to try to make things work with him but I don’t want to ruin his current talking stage. But it really hurts knowing that he might never like me again and that I missed out on such a kind and amazing guy. I need advice so please help a girl out I’ll post an update if needed.

  1. You’re in high school, so lots could happen, and you have time! Remain great friends, unless your crush doesn’t go away, and/or being friends is difficult for you mentally/emotionally. You may have missed your chance, but sometimes lightning can strike twice.

    Many people have the “right person, wrong time” people in their lives. I met two amazing women during my college years that I pictured a future with, and even dated briefly. To this day, I keep up with them both and they’re both lovely people leading successful lives, but the timing just wasn’t right. It’s okay if the timing isn’t right! You can still have crushes and still like people for who they are. I do remember how frustrating things like that were for me in high school, so don’t let yourself get too down in the dumps about it.

  2. Nah you didn’t miss your only chance. Things change pretty often in high school. Sounds like you two are destined to finally have “your time” together before school ends. Attractions like you describe don’t just disappear – they linger – if you both have been thinking of kissing each other – it’s bound to happen at some point.

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