As a straight man, have you ever had a woman label you “gay” for rejecting her advances? How did you respond?

  1. Yes. I just laughed it off, because I couldn’t believe someone would get that upset over a simple “no thanks” lol

  2. I did, she was about 300 lbs and I didn’t want to be mean, so I said “Yeah, I guess I’m gay then.”

  3. I had a girl spread a rumor that I sucked a bunch of guys off under the bleachers because I wouldn’t date her.

    I didn’t care, I just brushed it off.

  4. I had a woman ask for my number, I said “I’m all set thanks” and she said “what are you gay?”

    It caught me off guard so I laughed pretty hard and said “go ask my wife” and kept laughing until she left.

  5. It happened once when I was younger. I rolled my eyes and said something like, “Sure, that must be the reason.”

    Years later, I heard of the comeback “Not until I saw your face!” I’ve always wanted to use it, but it hasn’t come up again.

  6. “Bitch, you stink” was my exact response. She called me gay for rejecting her advances cuz she smelled like she hadn’t showered in a week.. I’m not into that typa shit

  7. Laughed at her and asked if that was really the route she wanted to go. She got even more offended, then after some people walked in she doubled down and demanded to know if it was because I was gay. I said “No, I’m just a fan of not having syphilis and intend on keeping it that way”. When my manager asked me about it later, I told him that if she can make baseless assumptions then so can I.

  8. Yes, twice. First she thought I was gay for some reason. Guess I gave off gay vibes, IDK. Then a second time after I declined her advances.

    “I knew you were gay.”

    Shrugged, “If you think that, that’s fine.” Then I muttered something like, “Hopefully it keeps you away from me.”

  9. Yep. The first time it happened I argued with Her but then I realized my mistake. Now I don’t care, they’re just using it to cope with being rejected. Whatever helps them deal I guess, as long as they leave me the fuck alone lol

  10. Yes. And she was flabbergasted to hear that I actually am gay. Apparently she heard back in HS that I have a decent sized dick and couldn’t understand how I could be gay?!?

  11. Yeah. Haha. I rejected her because I was gay. Definitely not because she was fat and smelled like an ashtray. It was because I love cock so much.

  12. Been called gay for losing my erection during sex (hey man, it happens from time to time) and for my underwear choices.

    Here I thought being gay meant I found other men attractive enough to fuck them. Silly me.

  13. Looked at her confused because I was in middle school and puberty wouldn’t hit me for about another year.

  14. Yes. Twice. Both were unattractive.

    However, I don’t care if someone says I’m gay. I could have gotten all upset and said, “No, it’s bc you’re ugly!”

    But I didn’t want to hurt their feelings. So I laughed and simply told them to have a good day. Being called gay has zero impact on me.

  15. Had a girl call me gay because I didn’t want to have sex with her, truth was I had to take a massive shit and the bathroom was about 4 business inches away from the bed

  16. Yeah this has happened to me. I think they go for the “you gay or something”, because of their fragile ego. They just can’t fathom that a guy would reject them.

  17. I actually have had women claim I *wasn’t* gay (spoiler alert, I am super gay) but was telling everyone I was because I wanted to be cool. Why? Because I didn’t act gay enough in her opinion. I was like, sorry I don’t walk around with a cock in my mouth at all times. Expecting every gay man to be a flaming queen is just you being a homophobic cunt.

    Then not only was I a mean straight man, trying to claim gayness to be cool in her opinion, I was also a misogynistic straight man and something about toxic masculinity or something. idk I had stopped listening at that point.

    You just can’t fuckin win with some ppl.

  18. If any girl ever implies I’m gay, I’ll usually say “Man, I fucking wish I was. Have you ever seen how much ass gay guys get? Instead I’m stuck dealing with all you fucking basket cases.”

  19. Yes and there’s all kinds of pressures related to this on men but no one cares or wants to talk about it. But it’s bad for our society.

  20. Yeah, girl was wasted, I was not so I turned her down. She called me gay to my face. And then called my sister (they were friends) and asked her if I was gay and my sister just called her an idiot.

  21. Yes. Half chuckled at her and then said “No, just not interested in you” as I walked away.

  22. Yes, I got a girlfriend and we are married 10 yrs+

    For her, she got demoted And moved to a different location for sexual Harassment.

  23. I’m black guys and not a stereotypical black. Because I have a more clean cut look black women always presume you are gay or effeminate. They prefer guys who look like they want to kill someone. But, believe me there are plenty of women who are not sick and we meet each other. My hands are full I have all the woman company I want and I’m happy.

  24. I do this thing where I purposely don’t sleep with a girl the first night. Like I’ll keep it just strictly cuddles and conversation. Without a fail, every single time it throws em off super hard and it’s fucking hilarious. Some will get frustrated and some confused. They’ll later tell me how they mentioned it to all their girlfriends that this one dude didn’t try to fuck em the first night.

    The funny reactions are a big part of why I do it and the other cause it seriously impresses most girls

  25. I had a really great looking female friend. We were friends for over a decade. I’d be dating women. She dated men and sometimes women. Her new boyfriends would always hate me. I’d always help her out. Invited her everywhere. I’d invite the guys as well, but they always saw me as a threat. Could not believe I’d not slept with her. Then, after about 15 years of friendship, she got tired of her chaotic relationships. She came to me to tell me what a great man I’d always been. Listed all my amazing traits. Complimented how I’d always been a great boyfriend when I’m dating. Then she said, “Since we are both single now, I think it’s time I gave you your chance.” That’s it. That’s how she suggested we date. As if I’d been in line for my entire 20s and now that I’m 35, I’m reading for a chance with her. I told her I had always thought of her like a sister. I’d never made a move on her or even flirted with her. Why did she think I was waiting to date her? Instead of answering, she thought out loud to herself, “Maybe John was right. You must be gay?”. I laughed and said “in all the years you have known me I’ve dated women. I was with my last girlfriend for 12 years. John thinks I’m gay because he can’t believe a man can be friends with a woman if sex wasn’t involved “

  26. Nah, had a woman tell me my dick was small tho. I was like how tf you know, I’ve not blessed you with the D 🤣🤣🤣.

  27. Yes. Then I fucked her good friend. HOW GAY AM I NOW? Her friend was much hotter and was into me before she was.

  28. Petty attack on your sexuality is immature, inappropriate and shows a pattern of malicious behavior. Ultimately it should validate your intuition/judgment.

  29. You just gotta laugh because women just aren’t used to being rejected. They say the male ego is fragile, but when it comes to rejection the female ego is a hundred times worse.

  30. No.

    Signed, a guy who has never had a woman make advances to him in the first place.

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