So I love sex with my bf, but the issue is that he has a high volume of cum every time. We would rather not wear condoms, but that means a big mess trying to run to the bathroom afterwards before it all spills out or a sticky mess on my body (and oftentimes it spills off my body). Can anyone relate? How can I make aiming in a trash can sexy 😅? Or is there another option? Appreciate any and all advice!

  1. It reminded me my first ever sexual experience when I cummed on my ex belly and was so proud of it, and after some time she said “would you maybe go and wipe it?” I was like “why it looks so nice”

  2. So I tend to make a mess with my partner all the time, can’t relate 100% because she actually goes crazy for me filling her up(not so much fkr me cuming on her anywhere because the splatter), but we were getting tired of changing bed sheets so often. Thankfully, we have hardwood floors, so no carpets to ruin. There is a company called “Splash blanket” I think, they make super soft waterproof blankets, I got one of those and I keep a few towels in the bedroom too.

    Also, you could tell him to masturbate more often to keep the reserves low.

  3. Cum on your belly..

    Or use a wash cloth to hold it in there while you go to the bathroom

  4. Yep,

    We keep a stack of hand towels by the bed, one goes under her before we start, if you move to a different position, move it.

    Great for using lots if lube too, no concern about excess getting on the sheets, make it as messy as you like with no concerns.

    When we are done I flip the towel over the affected area like a diaper almost, and we can fall asleep with no worries or clean up until morning.

  5. Keep towels and wipes very close by and use them to wipe down. Having a (waterproof) sex blanket is a good idea, too. With those, it’s just a matter of aiming in a good place on you and wiping down immediately or just aiming directly onto the blanket or towels (a little sexier than trash can 😅).

  6. Omg try to learn to love your husbands cum! It will mean so much to him and you don’t have to swallow either.

  7. Yes I can relate I used to date someone with hyperspermia. Have wet wipes handy to wipe away excess semen. Then go sit on the toilet to release the rest. Before wiping again reach in with fingers to try and get as much of what’s remaining out. Any leakage should be minimal.

    Probably helpful to keep a towel underneath you during sex too.

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