Im 30m single and unemployed. I have this huge issue of i dont feel like im manly like others. Cause of this i withdrew myself from every social situations and i sabotage myself and i let others treat me like crap. Also im not competing like other men and i feel like im not good enough to be competition and i dont deserve it. Simply i let go of things i should deserve even from the law cause i cant stand up for myself and i feel guilty of upsetting people and at the same time im afraid of people. I always worry how other men argue with each other and fight for their rights while when i do it i need a huge energy and i still come out as an screaming kid.

My father is also the same, he is a weak man too, no freinds no social life no masculine vibe or nothing, he cant drive or talk loud and he is simply afraid of women too, he is soo naive for his age. So cringe that even being 65at age he is so childish than his age.Every person he met rips him ofg cause he is naive and take advantage of him, i always wish he better be dead cause its so cringe and pathetic seen the way he get treated, if he dies at least he can survive it.

Im fedup being like this way, the smileing nice guy who bears everything silently, who is there for everyone who is afraid and timid of everyone and getting treated like i dont matter im feudp of this i wnat to be manly and have an masculine vibe like other men, but i dont know what to do what should i do, i wanna talk loud have eye contact and not taking shit from anyone. Please help me, fedup being the weak guy im despise myself

Also i wanna be bot bothered like things, imagine if someone complain about something about me to authority, or deal with undercutting neighbors, and shitty crooks bosses, how do i keep my head up and be fearless and not worry about anything.

  1. This is all stuff that you can fix by going to therapy. These are recurring thought patterns in your mind that influence the way that you perceive yourself (and your dad). At the end of the day, you are just a human. A walking plant basically. As hard as it is, you have to learn not to criticize yourself so harshly. You are a worthy and kind human being, and you deserve to be treated with respect because that is what you naturally radiate to the world. As far as your dad, it’s important to remember that you only get so much time on this earth with your loved ones. There will be a day in your future where he won’t be around to connect with and learn from lessons he learned in his life. Be kind to your dad, no one is perfect.

    A good practice for you would be to become aware of the negative thoughts that enter into your mind. When you feel yourself having negative feelings, or having a negative thought, notice it, and stop yourself from accepting it. It is just a thought, it does not mean that the message in that thought is true about you. You are not weak, you are not pathetic, that is just how you perceive yourself because you choose to believe what this thought is telling you about yourself. Practice getting good at observing your thoughts, and only accept the positive ones about your yourself.

    Life is a continuous practice of working on yourself and learning from your past ways so that you can improve. Peace be with you. ❤️🙏🏼

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