Im in college, and one of my friend groups is these two guys. Theyre cool and all, but when I told them about my assignment situation, they just went into full parenting mode, especially one of them. I know Ive been struggling so far my first year, but at this point im going just stay on top of everything and see what happens, and hope I can get at least C’s.

I know how to do this, but my friends keep trying to put me into worry mode, “if I were you I’d be so nervous!” And one of them can be a little overbearing.

There was this video assignment that I was going to do for late work, where you record yourself and say a few things about yourself. I was recording it, and I accidentally cussed during it. I wanted to do a retake, but he was like “just edit out the parts where you cuss, you can do that” (this was on flipgrid.) So I did that, but during the editing prosses he started being like “just turn it in, he wont care about the cussing, our teachers didnt”

Obviously the professor wouldnt be amused if I cussed during an assignment, so I continued editing it and I held my ground, but my friend started to even raise his voice and say “BRO JUST DO YOUR FUCKING ASSIGNMENT, TURN IT IN YOU HAVE STUFF TO DO, HES NOT GOING TO CARE ITS A FLIPGRID THATS LATE.”

He wanted me to get my work done AS FAST AS HUMANELY POSSIBLE, but I didnt have to, especially considering that I needed to make my assignment somewhat professional.

Ita good to have friends that care but I have no idea why they are caring SO DEEPLY about this. Its not their problem, and if I suffer, I suffer. They just seem so annoying sometimes. Today that same friend just texted me rirght now saying “did you ask your teacher during office hours if you could do late work?” And I stg it was exactly like a text from my dad. Thats what made me want to make this post.

The fact that sometimes that give flat out bad advice doesnt help either, one time I took their advice to call a drunk girl who said not to call her (I know, terrible move) and now she thinks im a creep. I need to stop listening to them so much I reckon.

  1. Oml this guy said I should do 60/180 problems today even though I have 6 days to do the assignment 😭😭 this guy with his B.S grindset I cant

  2. I’ll preface this by saying these friends don’t sound like they have a lot of good sense when it comes to women, so I’m focusing on the academic side of things.

    As frustrating as these friends may be, it does sound like there are some lessons to be learned from what they are doing here. While the high tempo, high intensity mentality they are espousing may be counter to what you are comfortable/familiar with, your academic performance would likely benefit from adopting at least a small part of this.

    Honestly, the reason I decided to respond here is because you sound a lot like me when I was back in college. I had some people try to help me out as well, but I was stubborn and didn’t consider the potential benefit of adopting mindsets that felt dramatically different than my own.

    My best advice here is simply this. Keep an open mind to the mindset and strategies they are suggesting to you and don’t take things personally/don’t allow your ego to close you off from considering advice that might actually be beneficial to you. Now of course this doesn’t mean that these friends will always be right on what they do/suggest regarding your academics. And you certainly don’t always have to go along with what they suggest to you. Ultimately, only you know what is best for your situation. But keep an open mind and try to learn from the strategies that seem to be providing them with good results.

    Best of luck with your studies.

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