I’ve gained some weight recently and have always been built very curvy but on the leaner side. I’m a pear shape. The last year or so my lower tummy is more pronounced. Do guys like this? My friend told me she finds it very womanly but I can’t help but feel a little subconscious when it shows.

  1. I cant speak for all men everyone has there preference. But i say it is for me 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. It depends who you ask, everybody is into something different. There are some men and some women who would say that they want a completely flat tummy on their partner and there are others who would be into a little bit of tummy. I’m bisexual and I don’t like females with a tummy. For some reason with men, though, I am way more into the DadBod bs abb/flat tummy. 🤷‍♀️ Not to say they are not beautiful, but I’m just sexually not attracted. You should be less concerned about what the people have read it think and more concerned about what you think about your own body, because you’re confidence and your emotions revolving your own body will definitely rub off on whoever you are with in a positive way. I’m sure you’re gorg the way you are.

  3. Have you ever seen the Venus of Willendorf? Throughout history there have been plenty of men that worship full figured women like goddesses.

  4. The Dunlap, every woman’s body insecurity. Welcome. It shouldn’t matter to anyone but you. Most quality men don’t care.

  5. Just be happy and confident with how you look like. Bit of tummy isn’t unattractive imho. We are all human. No need to feel bad or insecure about a bit of a tummy. The guy who will like you the way you are won’t bother about a bit of a tummy🙂

  6. You mean like a normal amount of subcutaneous fat that 99% of the population carries? I don’t find it attractive; I find it normal.

  7. One of my best friends is a very attractive guy from Georgia and he used to say that he didn’t like skinny girls. He said he wanted a little cushion for the pushing lol. My mom also used to say that nothing wants a bone but a dog, so go on with your bad self!

  8. I actually LOVE the muffin top. Idk why, it’s just a huge turn on. Always has been. For reference, I’m a short, scrawny, white guy. Love your body!!!

  9. Some men will find it unattractive, some will find it attractive. Both groups are ok and entitled to whatever it is they like.

    Similar to some women liking men to be 6ft tall and some women liking men just over 5ft. Some women like rich guys and some don’t care. Some like athletic guys and some like other body types. It’s you so just be yourself.

  10. Every man likes what they like.
    Just like women.
    Do you like men who are lean and full of hard muscle or men with a dad bod?
    Someone will absolutely love your shape, someone else will not.

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