Hey all, so I’ve been sort of brooding on this the last few days, for reference I am basically a fresh 18yo and she is 20 turning 21 close to the start of next year, the first thing I’ve been thinking about is the age gap, I know 2/3 years isn’t bad in itself but there’s obviously a lot of development that goes on between 18 and 21 so I’m not sure if it would be even slightly appropriate to approach this any further than just my ‘she’s so cool’ esque thoughts, I’ve not known her for too long now but we work together which makes it further complicated because I’m not sure how to get to know her while in work and we don’t know each other enough for me to just ask her random questions outside of work or to ask her for some coffee or something outside of work, on top of that I’m not even sure if she is straight, we’ve never talked about past relationships just current as we were talking about a co-workers relationship but we both said we didn’t have any current relationship, I do know she wears a LGBT badge on her uniform, though that is a badge supplied by the company it is optional so I’m unsure if she would even have an attraction to me as a guy in the first place, I guess I need to get to know her more but from what I’ve spoke to her about so far, she seems like a really cool person I’d love to get to know better I’m just not sure how to go about that, whether I just give it time to get to know her or actually ask her questions? apologies this is mostly rambling now hahaha, just needed to put this somewhere

Basically what I need answered is, would you (hopefully female perspective) find the 18-20/21 age gap weird?
How should I go about asking questions to get to know them better? Should I just ask questions randomly or are there any questions that would work better?
How would I find out their sexuality best? just straight up ask them out of curiosity because of the badge or is there a better way to go about that??
How would YOU go about my situation?

  1. 1) Personally, what I’ve come to say is that most girls prefer to date older BUTTT you’ll never know until you actually start speaking to her.

    2) Start up a normal conversation, one question leads to another. People LOVE to talk about themselves, you’ll know all about her after a couple conversations trust me. (unless she closed off or something).

    Don’t just ask random questions.. actually start a real conversation that builds up.

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