Guys, what’s something women fail to notice about you ?

  1. That I’m not hitting on them, I’m just friendly and outgoing sometimes. I’m gay. This man beside me is my boyfriend. I don’t want to fuck you.

  2. How much I just want comfort.

    Give me a blanket, a joint, and a hug.

    Other than that, I don’t want your money, ass, sex, material items, house, whatever.

    It isn’t that I wouldn’t like those things, but it’s backwards.

    If you don’t have those things but comfort me, I’ll be a lot happier than if you do have those things and never give me a simple hug.

  3. Everything. I feel invisible no matter what. I’m screaming in new tab yet I’m trapped in incognito.

  4. That I’m a person and not a wallet or dick with legs, nor a source of free labor.

  5. That I want a genuine loving relationship

    And I somehow have 48 followers on Reddit and that doesn’t help much with my dating life lmao

  6. Two things – first, If I actually talk, it means I’ve thought about what I am saying. No need to read more into it than what is said. Second, I’m not stubborn or close-minded; I’ve just already thought other options through that it’s not worth my time to revisit some things.

  7. My presence, but that’s mostly due to intentional effort on my part. I stood out when I was younger, almost always in negative ways so I worked to change that.

    At times, I think I do too good of a job. Earlier this year, I was waiting for a crossing light (on foot) at a street corner and I felt a bump into my left shoulder. A woman was crossing the other street and walked into me without noticing I was standing there.

    I want to be able to navigate through Target without substantial difficulty, but I don’t want closer attention, if that makes sense.

  8. Women fail to notice struggling guys. They notice only winners.

    Some winners might have been struggling for some years before winning, but due to some reason these guys do not share about their past struggle with the girl, since they believe girls can’t emphasize with it. Also the girl will not show much interest in it.

    So most of the time, both winning and struggling guys struggle goes un-noticed by women.

  9. That sometimes I’m PERFECTLY content with just sitting in silence and vibing without either a thought or a need for conversation

  10. That I actually lost my left leg in an accident when I was six. What you actually see in its place is my enormous penis, it’s so big my bellend is a perfect fit for my size 11 shoes. It’s amazes me no one has ever cottoned on.

  11. that we get depressed too. We hide it because we learn not to bother other people with our problems/feelings. We hide how we are really feeling so no one else has to deal with our issues.

  12. When I was like 8, a random lady stopped me on my bike to chat with me. By the end of the convo, she said I had the most beautiful eyelashes she had ever seen.

    Either she was lying, or it went completely unnoticed for the remainder of my life.

  13. I want LOVE. I have feelings!! I’m 6’4”, 240 lbs and muscular as hell but I am one of the most emotional men I’ve ever met. It’s hard because I feel like I should be a “tough guy” but goddamnit I value communication and want to be cuddled

  14. That despite my face, I’m actually probably one of the nicest men they will meet. I just look mad all the time.

  15. I have RBF. No, I’m not mad or upset. I’m thinking or nothing is happening upstairs. My face is in neutral. That’s all.

  16. “How are you single”, “Why can’t I find a guy like you”, and other similar phrases.

    They fail to notice that I am a guy like me. /s

  17. That it doesn’t matter that I am a sweet guy, I can be tough when it comes to difficult times.

  18. Usually their first impression is that I am a fuckboy.

    I have no idea why. I don’t think I dress or act like a fuckboy. I am pretty much the opposite of it. I mean I do crack very bad dad jokes and am pretty open but I honestly don’t feel like those are fuckboy-things.

    Doesn’t really bother me, just strange because I am usually very well aware of what I do and how. I suppose it is my mystery that I can’t solve about myself. For now. 🙂

  19. Me. Women always see my disability first and me second.

    I don’t want sex, I just want to be loved.

  20. Literally just want emotional understanding but many women resort to emotional games/manipulation to play test men. Stop. It’s what makes you undesirable.

  21. that I’m very well off.

    I don’t have a great car (i have a truck from ~1980, and a suv from ~2005), I don’t dress fancy (usually I’m dirty and use farm clothes). Basically most times you can see me as a farm worker.

    What women (and men) don’t know is that I was a very successfull sofware engineer, and retired in my 40s, I do work at a farm… but i own the farm.

  22. That i’ve got that ambition baby, look in my eyes; this week i’m mopping floors, next week its the fryers.

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