Happy Mental health day 2023.

  1. After an entire summer or stress and depression, I went to a death grips concert a few weeks ago. The show was so damn good, and I genuinely think I came out of the concert a changed man.

    While being shoved around in a mosh, I realized in that moment that life is indeed worth living.

  2. Vacation in Germany. Toured Frankfurt, Munchen, and Berlin with a German friend I met online and a couple of friends from home.

  3. Kuwarau Bungy in Queenstown, Phi Phi Islands Thailand and going to watch the India vs NZ world cup match at Dharamshala so hopefully that makes the list.

    Also huge Djokovic fan for the past 10 years so to see him top the slam list made me emotional and it felt personal.

  4. I can’t recall any good experiences that I’ve had this year. My mental health has been in a serious downward spiral all year.

  5. Been one of the worst years for me. But I’ve recognised that and will make changes to improve for next year.

  6. Hello All.
    Got to meet and be friends with a girl on whome I’ve been crushing extremely hard on since a long time.
    Also was able to manage internship and USMLE exams.
    Will be getting my scores tomorrow.
    Pray for me so that I can edit this and add that “I ve achieved my goal of scoring xyz marks in USMLE.”

  7. I got my diploma after 8 grueling years of college. Really the only positive thing I can think of. Other than that my mental health has been absolute garbage and has deteriorated day after day.

  8. I was stuck in a really bad rut, and I’m starting to feel like I’m getting progress on lifting myself ( with a lot of help from family and friends) up from it

  9. Moved into a new house with one of my best friends and it’s basically a dream house. Secluded, lots of land, big separated 2 car garage, private shooting range and no neighbors.

    2 months after moving in, matched with a woman on a dating app, instant chemistry and connection with her unlike anything I’ve experienced. She’s sexy, smart, funny, has a great career and our values and life goals line up perfectly. The sex is amazing, our kinks are puzzle pieces and it’s the best time I’ve ever had in the bedroom.

    About to start a new job making more than I’ve ever made and is a career making job to have on a resumé. Life is good at the moment after 2023 started out really shitty

  10. Vacation to London for a week and while there took a full day street photography workshop. Also met some virtual friends in person while in London.

    Good times 10/10 would recommend.

  11. Sabaton concert with my brothers in april that had been postponed for over a year because of covid, first big stadium show I’ve been to for years.

    Managed to pass an exam this summer for one of the last courses for my engineering degree that’s been a major mental roadblock for me for over a year.

  12. My girlfriend and I went on our first proper holiday together in the 9 years we’ve been together. We spent a week in Rhodes. Just enjoyed the weather, ate lots of food, made the most of the all-inclusive bar, and enjoyed each others’ company. One of the best weeks we’ve ever had

  13. Taking our kids to Disneyland for Halloween. It hasn’t happened yet, but I hope it’s our best experience.

  14. Traveled to Toronto and Seattle. Beautiful cities, I want to move one day but I didn’t have any luck job searching so now I’m focused on my career here. Still hope to be able to one day

  15. Last fall I had a nasty bike accident that laid me up for several months. After many months of PT and a pile of medical bills I got back on my bike. I decided to sign up for a 55 mile gravel race that I had done years before to see if I still had the ability and passion for riding. The race was 2 weeks ago, and my goal was just to finish. I ended up smashing my old record by an hour and a half.

  16. Worked in Iceland for the summer then took a week holiday to visit some friends in America. That trip meant a lot to me.

  17. I took my kids on a road trip from North Carolina to Nashville TN. Took my kids to see the band Ghost which we had a blast at and we got to experience the wonderful place called Buc-ees for the first time.

  18. A month in Vietnam, the highlight was riding a motorbike though the mountains in the north for a week, a truly spectacular experience

  19. Solo hiking trip to Switzerland for a week in July. Saved up for a trip before starting the grad job and it’s an experience I’ll never forget. Made friends and witnessed a lot of beauty.

  20. Ran 2 half marathons. Tried surfing.
    Made a lot of new friends and mostly got over social anxiety.

  21. I went to the beach 3 days straight and all of them were warm and clear crystal… 🥹 I met some amazing people actually too. 2023 has been a weird year for me. Not much has been happening but a lot has.

  22. Got married and went on a bomb ass honeymoon in Banff. All the nerves prior to the wedding were worth it as it was one of the best days of my life that followed with the best vacation of my life. As someone who has always been extremely frugal, I’ve learned that making memories are far more important to me than the newest shoes or fanciest car. I spend within my means but learned that life is too short to be too frugal. Go have fun. See the world if you can. Already planning my next trip.

  23. Finally got over a lot of anxiety I was feeling after returning to work after covid, bought a nice mountain bike and have ridden a bunch of trails this year, I hit my 2nd hole in one at my local disc golf course on the 1-year anniversary of my 1st hole in one, and I went on a date with a girl I’ve liked for a really long time.

    Been a decent year overall and I’m hoping to end it on a high note!

  24. Went on holiday twice with my best friend and the girl I love. Recently she decided she didn’t want to continue our ‘situationship’, which hit me hard, so I’ve applied for a promotion and started working out determined to make the next few months even better.

  25. I married my best friend and we’re expecting a baby, not sure of the gender yet but fingers are crossed for a girl.

    Also landed a job in my home province, in my trade, making really good money compared the median income and it put my wife and I in a good position to grow our family and live fairly comfortably (Which for where we live just means we aren’t struggling to pay the bills, so it’s a win in my book).

    Couldn’t be happier.

  26. Reconnected with my friend, got laid the other day by a fwb, saw the Barbie movie and went to Hawaii

  27. I went to Vegas with a group from work a bit over a month ago. That was sweet! But it’s also been literally the only noteworthy thing to happen to me all year. Even my birthday sucked ass.

    But I’d do that trip again for sure (especially for the shopping!).

  28. Went backpack camping with 10 friends/family. No mosquitoes, perfect weather, and water wasn’t too cold.

  29. Not much pretty much the most high blood pressure stress filled depression filled nightmare where I gained 40 lbs and lost 40 pounds in 7 months of stress eating in excess smoking and drinking to balance the stress followed by depression and multiple panic attacks a week chest pains all while pretending to be normal/ happy to get the kids to school and give them a normal life while I cry and pray in the shower so my wife and kids don’t see me breaking
    But otherwise fine I guess

  30. Tie between seeing Queens of the Stone Age live for the first time in Philly and seeing Incubus live for the first time on mushrooms

  31. I had such a rough start to the year, mum diagnosed with cancer, and losing my job. I bought tickets to a rap concert and I didn’t really want to go with everything that’s been going on, but I thought it would be good for me to go and try enjoy myself. I met my now girlfriend and since then mum is cancer free! And I have a much better job

  32. Five week trip to the Balkans with my wife. We hadn’t been to Europe in decades. We explored Hungary, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia. Had an amazing time.

  33. Bought my first apartment. Still under construction, but it is a big step in life. To add I am single, so that is a pretty unique achievement. I have a hard time being proud, but this really makes me feel good.

  34. My daughter was born. I got to see my wife hold our child that we have tried to have for so many years. I’ve seen her hold baby’s of friends and family and although it’s a happy time it was heartbreaking.

  35. Went to my (28M) first wedding ever. It was of one of closest friends and I got to help out a lot and be a big part of it which really made me happy. I travel a lot and miss out on a lot of moments and stories that my friends make so it was great to be a part of something so big in his life.

    My dad died. He was the Best provider but a really abusive alcoholic and a big misogynist. My mother, my sister, and I had a terrifying existence with him. Especially my mother (his favourite punching bag. Both emotionally and physically). He went peacefully in June and for the first time in 30 years my mom has the freedom to go to her brother’s house. Or even for just a movie in the theatre. Though I will always remember him, I will not miss him.

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