I noticed a trend on dating apps. Women have begun adding “size queen” to their profiles, indicating they desire a well-endowed man.

OK, no problem. I respect other’s desires. I’m fortunate in that department. I think it’s a great way to filter connections.

I recently added to my profile, “A bit of a size king; I like women whom are physically active and fit.”

Well, this seems to have backfired. Now, women are connecting with me JUST to voice how offended they are by my profile; even women whom are active and fit. Why?

I’m lost. A man can’t control how large his penis is. However, most people (man or woman) can control their weight and fitness level. Why would some women be offended about the latter, yet have little regard for the first?

  1. Idk it’s not offensive, but if I saw “size king” I’d assume you liked really fat girls lol

  2. If I was you I’d spin this into “well you cared enough to use up a like” or something like that

  3. OP essentially what you wrote is a fancy way of saying, “no fat chicks.” That’s not going to get you anywhere with most people. Sure, the women who want well-endowed men are just as shallow but for whatever reason that is seen as more acceptable to society.

  4. As a rule of thumb I think it’s a bad move to list things you *don’t* want on a dating profile. “Don’t swipe right if you can’t hold a conversation” etc. it just rubs people the wrong way. It’s better to put the positive “I love hiking and I’m looking for a girl who’s down to hike X nearby mountain” I think is better received.

    I haven’t seen the size queen comments but I’m sure they get their fair share of hate from matches as well 😂

  5. It’s not that it backfired. Women who write shit like that are stupid. You just went down to their level and now you’re surprised to get stupid reactions?

    There are a lot of stupid people in the world.

  6. Uck. Any reference to kings or queens on a dating app are fucked. Don’t stoop to stupid levels and expect good results.

  7. First, that’s not what that means.

    Second, nobody comes off well when they describe physical traits that they want in a partner, but you’re asking for something that’s visible in pictures. You don’t have to date fat people, but the way to get that is easy. Don’t match with fat people. Adding a request that you can handle yourself feels spiteful in a way that asking about something that isn’t visible would not.

  8. Because women are the only gender entitled enough to openly state their dating preferences.


  9. “Names Cheri, I’m a 10/10. Gots 3 lovely children. I’m 5’4 and only weigh 200 lbs. I don’t believe in exercise, but I do enjoy conspiracy theories. Swipe left if you’ve been jabbed.”

    Society: what a queen! You go boss lady! You got this!

    “I’m a size king looking for a fit woman.”

    Society: did you just disrespect every female on earth?! Our internalized oppression will ruin you!

    Yah nothing makes sense anymore

  10. To say you’re a size king would have been fine, the problem was your cleverly worded *no fat chicks* clause. Instead of that you should have just said you’re a size king *without* the clause-and then you don’t swipe right on women that you’re unattracted to so that it never becomes a problem in the first place.

  11. Maybe consider that most women will have no context for this inclusion in your profile – they likely have never actually seen other female profiles and have no idea what you’re referencing. How would the average woman know about that? You just look like an asshole.

    Agree with other commenters that negativity/listing requirements on a profile is almost always a bad move and you’re likely just making yourself look bad to the exact women you’re trying to attract (the ones who would never dream of putting weird requirements in their profile).

    But yeah, dunno why you’re getting so worked up about ‘the hypocrisy’ when it’s pretty obvious that the people you’re getting irate messages from are (shocker) likely different to the ones publishing their list of requirements.

  12. This mostly just comes down to the

    pro-male body shaming / anti-female body shaming

    misandrist hypocrisy widely promoted by mainstream media and elsewhere. It’s part of a very wide range of anti-male sexist double standards that have become more and more common due to all of the popular media brainwashing.

    The male equivalent to the “size queen” phrase is actually

    “Tight King” meaning a guy that appreciates a woman with a naturally smaller snugger tighter vagina. A female genital dimenision reference exactly how the opposing phrase is a male genital dimension reference.

    And yes all the people who have been brainwashed with the “only women are allowed to voice their preferences and not men” will likely have a dramatic meltdown when confronted with their own sexist female entitlement biases Lol

  13. I’ve felt the inclination to do the same. But it’s always gonna backfire. The girls saying size queen arent the girls you wanna date, should thank them for putting red flag in their profile.

    And you doing the same is gonna make you appear as they do, but to the girls you actually wanna date.

  14. 😂😂y’all people are so funny, fire can’t takeout fire. But also those that connect with you with the intent of making their point are real warriors 😂🙌🏻

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