What was it like to quit upon realizing you were pregnant and what made you start again ? (From a woman who smokes)

  1. I started again a year and a half later when my then-husband tried to kill himself and landed in a psych hospital for a few weeks. Life was really fucking stressful that year. When my kid and I finally moved away, I quit again.

  2. I quick the second I got a positive test. It was rough for about 2 weeks. But I just kept telling myself I want a healthy baby so it’s worth it. My husband still smoked so I picked it up after I was done breastfeeding. Husband quick a few months later, the jerk. I quit again about 4 months ago. Which really sucked. Picked it back up because of some personal things going on. And im not looking forward to quiting again lol.

  3. The only thing that made it easy for me to not smoke pregnant was knowing I could again once the baby came out. I picked it back up as a reward for not smoking while pregnant (also note, husband is a smoker too, and we don’t smoke inside or around the children, and he didn’t smoke around me when I was pregnant).

  4. My ex husband refused to help with the baby unless I wanted to step out for a cigarette… I love my kid but you neeeeeeeeeeeed breaks from your newborn, those 5-10 minutes were everything

  5. My then and long time landlord decided 2 months post-partum with my second it was a good time to cash in on the insane real estate prices and sell. I had just started an 18 month maternity leave. Yeah… we’re homeowners now, at the expense of all my mat leave savings and having to uproot and leave the entire county I was raised in to find something we could afford. And I’ve since quit again.

  6. I quit when I was pregnant with my first and picked it up again right after I had him because he was in the nicu and i couldn’t handle it. Quit again when I got pregnant with my second 2 years later and it stuck that time. I haven’t smoked in almost 4 years.

  7. Quit when I was pregnant, started again because I was dumb, and then quit again because my kid deserved a mom whose fingers didn’t stink, whose breath didn’t stink, whose clothes didn’t stink, etc. I didn’t want her to grow up and be like me.

  8. It was easy to quit but my kids are teenagers now, weed is free, and life is kinda hell.

  9. Because my husband was an asshole, and maternity leave is lonely as shit. I quit the second i knew i was pregnant. But all those lonely walks for hours, yeah, i started smoking again. In shame, though.

  10. I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant with very little problems. Doing it for the baby was excellent motivation. I stayed fully quit for over 2 years until I stopped nursing him. I started back up because carrying and birthing and breast-feeding a child made me feel like my body didn’t belong to me anymore, and taking smoking back up felt like a reclamation. It sounds irrational I know, but it felt right in the moment.

  11. Quit for twenty years and just couldn’t take how stressful my life had become especially at work. The place I worked was very lenient with smokers taking extra smoke breaks. During a particularly trying day on the job I asked a coworker for a cigarette. After the first puff I realized how much I missed it. Smoked off and on (mostly on) for the next twenty or so years when I had to quit. Still miss it sometimes but not going back.

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