Hey everyone, me and my boyfriend have been dating for over 3 years and his ex girlfriend will not leave him alone. We live together and as far as I’m concerned there has been no contact with her whatsoever since we started seeing each other. For the longest time she has not been able to move on and reappears once every few months. She is blocked on everything and recently has been using no caller ID to contact him for “closure”. He ignores her calls and is just as annoyed but I need advice on what would get rid of her for good. She does not take any hints and still seems to resent him for previously cheating on him but still won’t go away. Is there anything he could say to her so she stops contacting him for good?

I understand it’s not easy moving on from someone you loved and getting betrayed but it’s has been 3 years and I’m worried there may be something wrong with her.

Note: she lives in a different continent and hasn’t seen him since 2019.

TL; DR my boyfriends ex keeps contacting him every few months

  1. This is not on you to deal with. It’s on him.

    And if he’s ignoring her, that’s probably for the best. You don’t know how she would react to him putting his foot down.

  2. You can’t do anything. This is up to your boyfriend to fix. Have him contact a lawyer in her country and send a cease and desist letter. And just keep blocking and hanging up on her.

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