By treat I mean what nice things, surprises do you do for them?

  1. I’m on a budget, Sandy. I can’t afford you. You’re not a hooker? Oh then I REALLY can’t afford you.

    The cheapest woman tends to be the one you pay for.

  2. I take her on dates, buy her whatever food, get her clothes when needed. I just don’t spend money on myself too often.Any leftover money I get goes to investments for our future. She is a part of it 🙂

  3. this is one of the reasons why I don’t date.

    dating a women just seems like bleeding money

  4. I cook. Mostly by buying whatever ingredients are on sale and making something creative out of them.
    Don’t get me wrong, though. If there’s ONE ingredient that’s expensive to complete the thing I’ll spring for it.

  5. Answering on behalf of my bf:

    I’ve never received flowers even though he was a florist. Nor super lavish dinners for our anniversary or my birthday. We don’t spend money on weekends. At most he spent is $100 on a game that we played for months.

    He is frugal with himself but makes sure I have the best where it matters. I’m never hungry, all food craving satisfied. When he travels alone he takes public transport but when we are together, he’ll always call for a cab.

    I’ve been hospitalised twice in 2 months and he didn’t even blink when he had to spend 1k on lodging fees so that i don’t freak out alone at night.

    Whatever money we save, we put it in an investment so we can retire together and travel the world.

  6. Me $460 on a dinner? Abso-fuking-lutely. What eo you think money is for?

    Also me: what the fuck? These eggs are $1.79 a dozen. Lets go to the other store, they are $1.69 there.

  7. I don’t like the idea of paying for everything, but if she’s a good partner, I don’t mind spending money on her if I have the disposable income and if she isn’t entitled.

  8. I bring her coffee in bed every morning to wake her up.

    I invite her to different parks and mostly free things like a pumpkin festival.

    I invite her to spend time with me in the small moments, like I’ll ask her if she wants to sit on the balcony with me.

    I also spontaneously make her herbal teas.

    I do insist on buying her good shoes. But we buy them at Nordstrom Rack because we don’t pay full price for anything.

  9. I cut up a bowl of fruit and berries, whip heavy cream with sugar and vanilla, and then try to make it look nice.

  10. She’s a cheap date (as am I). I got got her a nice bench seat for her truck that she’s been after for years but had no luck finding. I found one for a hundred bucks and steam cleaned the shit out of it. Besides the dirt it was in good shape. Easily worth hundreds more. She was thrilled. Last year I got her a bunch of seeds so she could plant an herb garden. She was buzzin’

  11. About once a month I buy little stuffed animals you see in gas stations for like 5 bucks. We’ve been married 4 years. It’s a nice little collection that she gets to look at every day.

  12. Pro trick:
    Buy her expensive gifts and then return them…

    when she can’t find them, act sad and tell her she needs to stop losing all the nice things you get her…she will feel horrible and be extra nice

    win win

  13. What I’ve learned in life is you don’t need money to be romantic. But hell does it make it easier. You just have to get creative. For example, flowers grow outside. it might not be realistic for everyone but you can learn to make bouquets. You can learn some form of art. Once I made a girlfriend of mine a ceramic heart with her name on it for our anniversary. I think it cost me maybe 10 bucks total. But she loved it, for the effort I put into it. At the end of the day, materalistic things are a short term excitement. Afterawhile the magic fades, with anything. But a gift you made, you created, your partner sees the value, the time, the effort in the gift. When they see it, they remember how much energy you put into it to make it happen. And I think for many people, that is far more special than buying you a new mercades benz or a nice piece of jewelry. That said treating the lady is still important from time to time. But as you mature, you learn that the real value in life comes from connections, and simply put, you can’t connect much with inanimate objects. You really don’t need any money to make someone happy. You can do things like cleaning the house, preparing a bath for them, giving a massage. All these things show our love for one another and provide support.

    This is just how I see it, but it feels like women value the effort that goes into a gift, over the monetary value. If they know you spend time and energy to make it, think a bouquet, going outside, finding the flowers, assembling them, getting a vase, watering them til you see her, transporting them safely. You spend an hour or two of your free time to make that gift happen. Hell with a ring you literally just hand some guy a plastic card and get the ring, then hand it to your woman. I don’t see how that holds more value in many peoples eyes. I’ve always valued much more gifts from partners that were handmade with love over things they just bought me, don’t get me wrong I appreciate it but see more value in a curated gift.

  14. You don’t need money for love.

    Spending time and communication would be priority if you were finally strapped.

    Go to the park, go for a walk, or.picnic.

  15. Me and my partner are financially independent, she handles her finances, I handle my finances, and that is it.

  16. I give all that I can within reason.

    My biggest thing I do is


    Its much easier to control the expenses when you PLAN everything.

    Example I took my wife to the Grand Cayman last year for her birthday. SHE LOVED IT BTW

    Southwest had this take a round trip flight earn promotional companion pass promotion last year… I booked a cheap round trip flight for $100 that I didnt even have to use a vacation day for. I took the first flight up and the first one back down in the same day. It was a 4 hour commitment and $100 but that saved me $600 on her flight as she was now free with companion pass.

    All the hotels were like $1,800 for the length of our stay. I found a highly regarded AirBnB 15 minutes away from these hotels for about $600 so again $1200 savings. We were doing lots of things around the island so it didnt add any additional cost besides extra gas as we were getting a rental car anyway..

    Pre-scouted restaurants, excursions, parking garages and made reservations at ones that fit more of my budget.

    Doing all of these things allowed it much easier to spoil her for the one things she truly wanted to do and that was swim with dolphins.

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