I’ve been talking to this girl for 2 weeks now. We’ve been on 3 dates now. First two were good and the 3rd was kinda bad imo.

I asked her on Monday if she’d be interested in going on a date this week. She said she was busy but she’d see if she is free on Saturday or Sunday. She said she’ll let me know.

No text from her Tuesday through Friday. Not a word. She finally gets to me at 9pm on Saturday saying she’s free tomorrow morning: less than 14 hours before the date.

I know this girl: she isn’t the “plan things last minute type”, her lock screen is literally her schedule. She definitely didn’t forget either since she conveniently remembered to text the night before. I honestly think she was on the fence the whole week and decided it’d be worth her time last minute.

I don’t know what to do with this. I’ve just ignored her text. I like this girl a lot but I’ve already grieved at this point: I was fully expecting her to never text back. Now that she has I’m left to interpret what this means.

What do even do here? Is it even worth going on this date if I’m just an afterthought to her? Or am I just overthinking things? What would you do?

  1. “I’ll let u know” is girlspeak for no. You’re suppose to be “closing” on a 3rd date bro, meeting somewhere near her or your place

  2. If I see “I’m busy but I’ll lyk if something changes” after trying to plan a date I say okay, have a good one and never respond, whether they text or not.

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