Men of Reddit, thoughts and opinions of young boys being exposed to thirst traps online ?

  1. Two sides of the same coin.

    Young boys learn that they can see attractive women in very little to no clothing, online. Young women learn that they can make a lot of money, and/or get a lot of shiny things, if they put photos of themselves in very little to no clothing online.

  2. The accessibility is really scary and sad, and it being normalized is alarming. Porn addiction is a real thing and can be just as bad as drugs. It is wild that 99% of young boys will have their first sexual experience with porn. It enables loneliness because it’s easier to not try and just revert to porn, but there’s a million little things it affects and eventually you’re dopamine base level is all fucked up and you can’t connect with a woman.

    inb4 all the people getting weirdly defensive about porn, I will not be responding to comments.

  3. Without parents teaching them media competency it’s going to have a bad influence.

  4. Not my kid. Not my problem. That is fully on the parents to monitor and control their children’s internet activity.

  5. Not great. I do think it leads to developing unrealistic expectations of girls and just like everything else on the internet it’s all lies, filters, photoshop, etc.

  6. It’s the internet. If your kid’s going to be on it, you had best make sure you equip them with enough scepticism and critical thinking they know how to navigate that (and a lot worse). It’s not a child-friendly environment, don’t just leave them to it and hope for the best.

  7. As adults it was our failure to not better prepare today’s young boys on how they need to respond to thirst traps. We can’t stop exposure, but we coulda done a better job at teaching them that these traps just want your money — it’s a business at best or a scam at worst.

    Just like how parents prior had to tell us that pornography isn’t real

  8. I worry it will damage the youth, society is chronically online.

    Boys in puberty are more likely to fall for predatory advertising, I also worry that they could be unfairly victimized by predators pretending to be these girls they follow on social media.

    Hell I even worry for the girls who see all the content where girls objectify and filter themselves, then sell their bodies for cash. They will end up thinking the only way to be successful or rich is to essentially sell yourself out online.

  9. We call it grooming when 18-year-old men do that to 13-year-old girls.

    It’s *still* grooming when you reverse the genders and it’s 18-year-old women going after 13-year-old boys.

  10. I am trying to warn my son about the dangers of male thirst and how it totally shortcircuits logic and reasoning. I’m getting much more urgent about it because his voice is already cracking. The fucking puberty apocalypse has started to hum its first bars.

  11. I am thankful that they are looking at and becoming attracted to real females (even if certain parts of their bodies are surgically enhanced) and will be mentally conditioned to rejectthe insanity that a transgender female is equal to a natural born female. As a young boy growing up in the world before the internet I enjoyed watching the beach movies because the girls were wearing bikinis. I knew when I got older that would be me out there having fun with girls like that.

  12. I’m more concerned about all the x-rated pornography in my kids’ elementary school library!!! /s

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