My amazing and talented wife painted me a picture of my favorite scene from the anime fooly cooly! She picked a quote I like that’s relevant to me. God damn do I love her! 5 years married and she still surprises me with things like this that mean alot to me.

  1. This is too cute! I love that you adore your wife and are this proud in her artist abilities!

    I love the wistfulness of the person and the colours- very peaceful but at the same time inspiring.

  2. Thank you all! I know I’m pretty lucky to find someone like her to share my life with. And there was no way I couldn’t share her talent for others to see. I was too excited to keep it to myself. I’m glad to see everyone else can see how cool and kind this was of her 🙂

  3. Thank you for sharing! It always puts a smile on any woman’s face when they see a guy being proud of their spouse like this. ❤️

  4. What a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing something positive about marriage amongst all these depressing Reddit stories

  5. Was gonna say that looks like some FLCL. One of my favorites as well!!!! She did a great job!

  6. Good afternoon,

    Your wife is an amazing artist! You as her husband are quite an amazing also! Not many men out here would take the time brag and say encouraging and positive things about their wives! Congratulations on being married for 5 years, that is a great accomplishment! And many more wonderful years to come together for you both. 🙂

    God bless you both!

  7. This is by far the best post, I’ve seen on reddit so far today. 🥰 nothing more beautiful, then a spouse showing off their pride and love for their spouse 🥰
    You win the internet today 🫶🙌

  8. Nice to see something positive on here for a change… It’s a beautiful painting

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