So I’m M25 and I feel hopeless with dating. Its not that I can’t find anyone, I’ve had relationships before, but lately its been so hard finding a woman who is interested, let alone keeping her interested for anything long-term. Every woman I seem to go out with either ghosts me after a few dates or strings me along for a one month situationship.

I feel like I have all of the basics. Im a great communicator, confident in conversation, tall, have nice facial features, go to the gym regularly, have a masters degree… I even own my own home at 25 for crying out loud. Like what can possibly be so repulsive about me that women feel the need to be so flaky? Yes, I understand I’m not perfect, I understand there will always be something to improve. I also understand what I listed isn’t everything there is to being a good partner… but I don’t exactly think I’m not a catch either.

So what gives? Everyone’s advice here is to keep improving and improving and endlessly improving. Which is good, I’ll keep doing that for my sake. But the countless rejections, ghosting, and situationships is taking a toll. It feels like women dont want a genuine connection in the states anymore. I know its an issue in the states because when I visit my birth country (Argentina) me and all my friends who live there have a much easier and natural connection with women. It doesn’t even have to be flirtatious, it can be platonic. But obviously since I live in the states I can’t have a steady partner from another country. I need to date in the states.

So what advice would you give? If you need to bring me down to Earth please do but I’m giving my genuine perspective.

1 comment
  1. It’s so hard to tell from the internet what could be happening in your case.

    If you have such good luck with women from where you’re from, i’m tempted to say it might be a cultural difference?

    What would it look like if you just decided to not care as much for a while? As in, continue to try to go on dates and meet new people, but don’t really invest your feelings in it as much. If you approach it with an attitude of, “This person is nice, and I’d like more, but I don’t really care if nothing happens.” This may not solve the problem, but it will lessen the emotional blow and the hit to your ego. It’ll make it easier for you to keep moving forward and giving someone else a try.

    Also know that it may not be about how you look physically or what your stance in life is, or how “attractive” of a deal you are on paper. It may be a minutia of how you interact with these girls or how you operate in general.

    Hope this helps bud

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