Men, are any of you with a significant other but secretly in love with another woman? How do you deal with this and do you take it out on your current partner?

  1. If you’re in love with someone else you should either completely remove yourself from the situation you see that person in or end your relationship, because it’s not fair on the other person.

  2. I don’t think this has to do with being a man in particular tbh. I guess it would be hard to accept and the best thing to do is to end the relationship, it’s so unfair to the other person.

  3. Love is a verb not a noun. You can have crushes, that’s natural and out of your control to a certain point, but if you are *in love* with someone else, you are an active participant in that and it didn’t just happen. Same goes for your partner, you wake up every day choosing love and choosing to be with them which means loving them, which is a verb.

  4. Been there. You endure and wait til it fades, ideally cut contact.

    Or have the courage to end the relationship you’re in.

  5. I lost the girl I loved 15 years ago. After 5 years of waiting around I had to accept the fact that I would never get another chance. Not romantically or even as friends. She was out of my life. I forced myself to move on and met someone else after a period of dating. I was in love again to some level. We eventually got married and started a family. But I’m not sure if I ever could love someone the way I loved the one that got away. It was completely different and I hate myself constantly because of it. It’s caused me to deal with a lot of depression and self-loathing. But deep down I know that while I still love her, we will never talk again and we’re basically complete strangers.

    Not everyone is destined to end up with their “soulmate” and I guess some of us just have to do the best with what life gives us. Especially when the only alternative is being alone and miserable.

  6. Ugh no. I’m in love with the woman I’m with. If you’re in love with someone else, break up and stop stringing the poor woman along.

  7. *”Men, are any of you with a significant other but secretly in love with another woman?”*


  8. It happens, but keep in mind you’re in love with an idealized version and not the real person.You really don’t know someone well until you’ve lived with them for a few years

  9. >Men, are any of you with a significant other but secretly in love with another woman?

    No. If I would love someone else, I break up. No chance I am leading her on, respect each other too much for that behaviour.

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