Okay, I’m confused right now so bear with me as this is long. Me (26f) have met a person (28m) during the pandemic through a hobby community. We’ve been playing together every now and then remained friends, chatting each other a few times a week. One day he asked me out and since I’ve known him for a few months at this point and generally felt comfortable meeting him, I did. It wasn’t really a date but more like a friend meetup cause we never really flirted and we were very much just at the same wavelength.

I met him, he was good looking, but I didn’t really find him attractive at first. After that we went out a few more times and I gradually developed a crush on him and then after a few more meetups, we started to have some naughty exchanges which he initiated and we went a little touchy with each other but we never had sex.

Another meetup comes and the naughtyness was getting more intense that we almost did it, but he admitted he had an LDR and so I was sorry, felt really bad and eventually distanced myself cause I didn’t to deal with that. He still tried to chat me afterwards, but me and my own emotional guards really didn’t want to anymore as I don’t want my crush to develop into anything further, but I allowed him to remain in contact with me since he told me he doesn’t have much friends and I felt bad abandoning a person that needed a friend.

After that he would always chat me and I’ll reply late or not reply at all, but he would follow it up and send me memes and stuff he knew I like so I eventually reply. He would sometimes ask to watch movies or meet again and I often say no and only agree when Im bored or have nothing planned and just want to go out. He was still flirting every now and then but I always remind him of his LDR, and he would always shrug it off saying “dont worry about it” or “nah thats fine” but he did eventually stopped flirting.

At this point, I also conditioned myself to not develop my “crush” feelings of him any further, and when his flirting stopped, we continued to hangout and I felt more comfortable with him again so I actively reply now when he chats and even initiate our hangout sometimes. This went on for months again and eventually…me, and my stupid self really just started to like him. I tried really hard not to but Im dumb so yeah. We were just really at the same boat, we have the same humor, love the same aesthetic, liked a lot of similar things but sometimes we do have opposite things like he loves to cook and I hate it. He always jokes hows he’s handsome and I’d agree cause he is objectively but I would tell him to stay humble and he’d say I shouldn’t agree because he was joking, or sometimes he would say he has no friends but he actually does and I told him to just call his friends if he feels lonely. He’s a very talented person and when he’s self deprecating, I always cheer him and say how awesome he is.

Recently however, he started flirting and saying naughty stuff again like he’s so lonely or he misses doing some “action” and that he has good bed skills and bla bla, and I would just shrug it off and give him a laugh or like wtf responses.

Deep inside, however, I am confused since I do like him. Can anyone tell me what he wants cause I am confused as hell, or maybe I should just stop talking to him and block him? I really enjoyed his company and Ill be really sad, but if its the best course of action Im willing to do it. So please do give me advise on what to do.

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