I messaged her a weeks ago and then she called me the next day after reading my message but I couldn’t answer the phone at the time as I was dealing with my things. So, I messaged her in two days like I missed call, let me know when you are available.

But she doesn’t read my message for a week.
I understand everyone has some priorities like I answered back two days after.

I don’t want to bother her asking on things not a big deal. But wondering why..for a week?

1 comment
  1. It’s clear you like them as more than just a friend, and they know that as well because you keep needing their attention and validation. They won’t tell you this, but the more you try to get their attention, the less respect they will have for you.

    Real talk, this person has shown they can ignore you, while you can’t. Doesn’t that embarrass you at all ? Don’t you have any other things to do in life or any other people you can talk to ? Move on. Going forward, you need to start acting respectable.

    Chase excellence, not girls.

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