When is the last time you said “fuck it” and it ended up paying off?

  1. Every now and then I say “fuck it” and I let myself get in heaps of trouble in order to gain audience with people in positions of power that had no time for the problems I was trying to address.

  2. Applied for a job that had a bunch of “requirements” I didn’t have, when I got there the guy was like “Oh, HR makes all those and they don’t know what they’re talking about.”

  3. Having no experience or idea where to start, I decided that I wanted to get into leather work. I assumed correctly that I would need ample space and that it would be a money pit especially at first. But fuck it, I wanted a new hobby and that was it. It’s been about six months and I’m having a blast. every new piece is better than the one before. And eventually I’ll be able to supplement my income.

  4. When I apply for a security job with absolutely no experience, turns out it’s surprisingly easy to learn all the basics quickly and it’s an easy job, it only gets tough when shit hits the fan but if you do the job right it rarely happens

  5. Had been on the phone to my cellular provider for 3 hours and been transferred 4 times, and each thansfer they would just hand them the call, and not explain what they had done, so each time I basically had to start all over again, even authenticating with the new agent and explain why I was calling and what person 1 and 2 had done so far.

    Eventually I had had enough. I told the guy, fuck it! I want to cancel my account. I don’t care what more you have to say. I want to take my 4 mobile accounts and move to Telstra.

    Well, this is where I learned that companies like this have what is called a ” Retentions Team”. From the getgo I could hear he knew more and could see more than any of the others. He listened better and understood better and could DO more.

    Not only did he sort out my issue in 5 minutes, but also apologised profusely and gave me a blanket 7% discount on my entire account with them.

  6. My GF was in a terrible living situation and had just switched jobs, eating up a lot of her savings in the process. We’d only been dating a couple months, but I asked her to move in with me until she could save up enough for a rental deposit. When she did, she took out a six month lease, and when it was over I couldn’t wait to have her back. Been living together happily for four years since then, and we just got engaged last weekend.

  7. Well I have a story we’ll I said “fuck it” and it paid off well my story is literally me saying “fuck it” infront of the school principal and not getting caught and making more friends that year

  8. Nearly 16 years ago.
    I said fuck it and accepted an invite out with a couple friends to thier new college friends housewarming.
    We werent allowed in the house, cos her very religious family were there, so we only hung out in her driveway for 5-10mins. She was cool.

    The next day, the friends that invited me gave her my number.
    We dated for 7years. It was generally the happiest part of my life so far.

  9. Got an invitation to apply for a job I had never heard of, with a company I had never heard of, and all throughout the interview process which took 5 weeks, I thought I was being strung along on a scam. I had a job that was just fine so I wasn’t even looking, so I thought why not see where it goes.

    Eventually I get through all the interviews and apparently beat out 10-15 other candidates and got a job offer. Again, not even looking for a job at this point, I decide to test the waters and ask for a significantly higher pay rate than they initially offered. To my surprise, they called my bluff and agreed with no hesitation.

    This was 9 months ago now and I am still sometimes surprised that the quality of life I have now came from “fuck it”. I’m not rich or anything but I am not struggling for money and killing myself 60 hrs/week anymore to get by 🙂

    TL;DR, take the risk sometimes, sometimes it’s worth just seeing where the rabbit hole goes.

  10. When I randomly added back my now Gf on Snapchat, no idea each other existed until then but we are literally identical people

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