How is your relationship with your mother?

  1. It’s been worse. It’s way better than it used to be but we don’t have a mother daughter relationship. We are between what a friendship and acquaintance would be.

  2. We don’t talk. I haven’t seen her in a decade. I get a check on my birthday, my daughter’s birthday, and Christmas and send a “thank you” text and receive a “you’re welcome” text and that’s… it. It’s much cleaner and simpler this way. I miss having a mother sometimes, but I’m hyper-independent anyways so I get along just fine.

  3. She loves me a lot…and I have the greatest admiration for her. I honestly think she’s the most amazing person/woman ever. I know she tries her best and hardest to do and give me what she thinks is best for me. It’s just… not often what I really want. So I get annoyed. But I really know her heart is in the right place.

    I’d say overall it’s fine if not great. We just have our own individual issues and/or differences that might affect our relationship.. we both understand that and have patience for it.

  4. I’ve cut contact with her for my own sanity after a terrible childhood and her constant judgement and impossible standards.

  5. Confusing I think it may b her generation she’s late 80s very emotionally unavailable, children should be seen & not heard & strict!! As a result I grew up to b an alcoholic who didn’t understand my emotions in recovery now but it’s been a journey. I didn’t have children not wanting to inflict myself on them and in understanding addiction I learned how very important that mother child bonding is & children that receive it r much more emotionally stable. That being said she is an amazing woman who I admire but struggle to love.

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