Men of Reddit, what’s the most wholesome thing you’ve seen another man do for a stranger?

  1. My dad has a habit of taking on “interns.” Usually recent grads from our small town who never really got the hang of school and are looking for work. He has a place up on the hill that he rents them for next to nothing as long as they keep it nice. They help him with some projects, and when they move on, they have all sorts of new skills (welding, machining, electrical work, carpentry, etc). He’s helped a few people get off a dark path that way, all of them stay employed after, and one of them is a very successful contractor now.

  2. Ive seen men help another man whom he never knew, make a move on a girl at a party. Basically became a hype man for him

  3. Women pulls into target and realizes she has a flat. She has a spare but no knowledge of how to change it and her husband is working. She goes inside and asks a random guy if he knows how to change a tire. He says sure, goes outside in July heat, changes tire, takes no money, doesn’t even give her his name, and comes back in to continue shopping with his wife and kid.

  4. I knew a guy that would always keep a couple teddy bears in the back of his car, so if he was ever involved in a serious accident and there were kids in the other car, he could help calm/distract the kids while emergency services arrived.

    Hope he never had to use them, but wholesome intent

  5. I know a very old man who is showing up every day on the street to give free tea to strangers.

    Absolutely free, and he is doing it for hours every day.

    Maan what a MAN.

  6. Working as a receptionist at a hotel, I’ve seen more than one man just pay for a night for a homeless person or some older lady late at night. It’s honestly heartwarming and the last time it happened it was the clerk at my apartment complex… who most definitely makes less than I do and seriously made me reconsider how good I am to others and how much others do compared to me. I’m nice enough, maybe, but this guy’s an angel, a lovely Maghrebi Muslim angel.

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