I (20F) feel like I generally have pretty good social skills and I would say that I’m decent at making friends. In other words, I like how my personality is in general. But for some reason, every time I hang out with certain people, I tend to get really nervous, which leads to me being extremely loud, raunchy, talkative, and overly extroverted to the point where I think it’s kind of annoying. I’ve noticed that it happens more frequently around people of the opposite gender, but not always. I think it happens with people who I feel the need to impress or look good in front of for some reason. It’s not even necessarily when I’m interested in them romantically (though it gets worse when I am), it just happens when I somehow feel inferior to them in terms of popularity, intelligence, or something else. I hate how this happens because it obviously has the opposite effect of what I’m going for. Everything would be fine if I could just relax and be myself, but instead I just tense up and get all anxious and become this annoying, awkward, fake shell of who I really am. And I can’t seem to get this under control no matter how hard I try. How do I stop doing this? I feel like I’m driving away all the people I want to be friends with because they think I’m weird and annoying.

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