What was that book, that you’ve been reading secretly under the blanket with a flashlight, despite your parents’ direct order to go to sleep?

  1. My parents didn’t care if I was up reading or not, but the first book I remember hiding under the blanket with a flash light was probably Salem’s Lot. After that it was, like, every Lois Duncan book I could get my hands on.

  2. Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series, it was not appropriate for my age at the time. Also, Lord of the Rings.

  3. I loved fantasy as a kid. Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Charlie Bone, Bartimaeus trilogy, Molly Moon, Gregor the Overlander, Pendragon series, etc.

    As a teen, I loved Nick Hornby and John Irving.

  4. Harry Potter. I even had a battery powered wand that turned on and off when you flicked it. It made me feel like I was a character in the movie.

  5. It was probably one of those cheap romance novels with a bare chested guy rescuing a maiden whose bosom was bursting out of her corset on the cover.

  6. When I was a kid? It would’ve been something like The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, Rupert the Bear, TheFamous Five, anything by Daphne du Maurier and Agatha Christie

  7. When I was a kid, I remember being totally engrossed in a book called Skeleton Cave. I never had to sneak around to read though; and my parents’ bedroom was on a different floor so they just left us to it. 🙂

  8. Been reading, as in present tense? None, though I did stay up too late reading Project Hail Mary last week. (worth it, btw)

    As a kid, I read constantly and I couldn’t begin to name all the books.

  9. My parents didn’t care what I read and probably should have lol. I should have waited at least until I was ~16 before reading the House Of Night Series while I was like 13. And same goes for Twilight..I read those in 6th grade😂I’m glad I was 16/17 when the 1st book in ACOTAR series came out because I definitely would have read the hell out of those as a kid.

  10. Hundreds! It started with the American Girl books, followed by the entire series The Babysitters Club, Anne of Green Gables and subsequent novels, and the Narnia series. So many more books, if it was young adult fiction prior to 2000, chances are that I read it by flashlight. I still stay up too late at night now so I can read.

  11. Addicted by Zane..my dad got some free books one time and through them in his closet. I was obsessed with reading and read anything I got my hands on. It probably traumatized me a little bit and also gave me my first sexual awakening lol

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