This question mainly aims at women from western cultures. What’s your take on polygamy marriage and would you be comfortable in such an arrangement?

  1. Polygamy has deep roots in patriarchy, religion, and controlling women. Not interested.

    Polyamory, though, is another story.

  2. An open relationship with extra steps. To me it makes no sense. Someone who’s not into monogamous relationships, be it a woman or a man, should just go for a consensual open relationship and I mean “open” on both sides. Cause if it’s only an open relationship for one of the two partners, then it feels more like cheating. If two people can’t commit to each other, then I wouldn’t call it a marriage. Then again I also don’t consider it a marriage if the woman has no choice and was forced to get married, then that’s just slavery to me.

  3. I’d be ok with it if the women also got to have multiple husbands and all of the housework was shared equally amongst all of the spouses.

  4. It’s not for me. But if everyone involved feels good about it, I don’t see any reason why I, as an outsider, would have a negative opinion about it.

  5. Definitely not for me.

    I honestly don’t see it as a healthy relationship. The extreme limited exposure I’ve had to polygamy showed a lot of jealousy and resentment between wives. A lot of female oppression and a big focus on traditional gender roles.

    As a Western woman agreeing to a polygamist marriage I think you would be giving up a lot more then you realise by agreeing to this.

    Polyamory I’m a bit more accepting of provided it is equal on all sides. Still not for me, but to each their own.

  6. Under no circumstances would I be in anything other than a monogamous marriage. There would be no upside to being in a polygamous marriage. Sharing my husband with other women while me being faithful to him is ridiculous. If I wanted to sleep around, I would just stay single, not be in a polyamorous relationship. They almost never work long term, and sound like nothing but torture.

  7. As an introvert with some severe trauma, I don’t think I could be polygamist as I feel crowded in a monogamous relationship. However, if others practice it in a way where all parties are happy and the relationship functions well, I won’t knock it. Now if it’s a sister wives’ (the tv show) type situation, then nah, that’s just bullshit.

  8. I don’t think I could share a partner with other people. Me on the other hand, would like to have multiple partners if I could. But that would be being a hypocrite so I would say no polygamy!

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