what were your successful leaps of faith?

  1. Changing countries

    My old country was awful, lots of crime, homelessness, very poor leadership, selfish and greedy people, it was a scary place to be a woman in

    I sold like 90% Of my things and moved to a new country, and my life improved massively, best leap of faith I’ve ever done.

  2. Become a sailor. I ended being very good at it. Long times from home so if it turned out it wasn’t for me it would be hell for a couple months. But it worked out really well..

  3. Crawling back to my boyfriend after being apart for one year and a half. We were young, he couldn’t deal with his depression and I with expectations I got drilled in my head one “romantic” movie after the other. We both cheated, it was a bit squalid.

    Then we met again for an insurance settlement regarding an old car accident. Took a coffee afterwards and I started crying! I didn’t realize how much I missed him all along. We tentatively started dating again with the agreement of starting from scratch and forget about the past.

    It’s been more than twelve years since and we’re still in love and each other’s best friend. We grew up so much together and all because we decided to trust each other despite the past.

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