So, my life has been a catastrophe lately (lost my job, my Grandad died, and I broke my foot) all in the span of a few weeks, and the guy I’ve been seeing has been taking it all in stride like a champ.

We live about 40 mins away and he’s been making such an effort to make sure we hang out every week and ubering me up to his place.

What’s a sweet gesture I can do for him to show him he’s appreciated? Normally I’d cook something extravagant but can’t really do much with bed rest.

Also would appreciate any engaging date ideas I can do with him as a cripple lol, watching wheel of time on the couch while I ramble the lore at him is gonna get old fast

  1. Write him a letter and include all the nice things he has done and is doing while you are in bed rest. Let him know how much he means to you and give it to him when the time is right. We men are simple and getting a letter of appreciation goes much farther than you think

  2. Ask him what his favourite movie, TV show and snacks are, and the next time he comes over buy him his favourite snack and watch his favourite movie or TV show with me. As a guy there is nothing more sweet to me than when a girl remembers the little things

  3. Be incredibly reliable, and if you are not faithful, spare him the lying and be honest about it all – and gracefully exit if you are ever confused and wanting attention from a different guy. I realize you probably are faithful, but this really is one of the nicest gestures you can give, imo.

  4. Just ask him what he’s really interested in. This can give gift ideas or let him fully explain something he’s really interested in to you. Whether or not you really are interested in what he’s talking about, it will allow him the chance to really talk about it, which a lot of guys really like doing but don’t have the option to often. Just this act of basically showing interest in his hobbies or interest is a nice gesture a lot of guys really enjoy and help build a better bond. This is what I suggest, especially since it’s only been a month.

  5. I sent my then new BF flowers. He had never gotten flowers before and he really liked the gesture. Now it’s kind of our thing. I usually send them to him if he’s having a rough time. It makes him laugh and smile because he’s a “big strong diesel mechanic” and he can like pretty things too.

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