I remembered the first time I was struggling to pull myself on the bars. But now I can 7 reps consecutively.

  1. Around 20, depending on the day. I’m 100kg+ so it looks more impressive than it sounds.

    Edit: I appreciate all the complements guys, but truly what I said is not as impossible as you make it sound. Most people don’t do a high number of pull-ups because they just don’t care about pull ups, not because they’re impossible. If you walk into a gym with people who’ve been there for more that 5 years, chances are they can hit the 20+ count and they’re pretty heavy. I’m no where near the top people in my gym.

    Some tips about pull ups, weighted pull ups are overrated, if you want a high count you need to do assisted pull ups instead, so a light jump off the floor when you go down (or use a bench if the bar is too high off), you can support your lower half while pulling your upper body only, also controlling the movement on the way down, and most importantly, don’t relax your shoulders at the bottom, it makes the next rip way too difficult. Also don’t be embarrassed to do pull-ups in the gym even if you can’t even get one right.

  2. Best I ever did was 18 strict towards the end of my time in the military.

    These days, I’ll probably be good for 5-7 depending on my shoulder. If I really started focusing on them again and keep dropping weight at my current rate, I think I could be back up to 12-15 in a couple of months.

  3. I was in the Marine Corps, pulls ups is everything there. I’m older and much fatter now. Still bust out 15.

  4. In 2020 when I had nothing to do but do pullups in my room I got up to 30 proper pull ups in a row. Now it’s like 10 lmao

  5. In my 30s, I could do 10 (real ones, all the way down to a full hang, not that half-assed thing guys do in high school where they only drop six inches and pretend that was a full pull-up).

    But now, in my 50s, I’m lucky to do four. I need to work out more.

  6. I was up to 26 at 86kg, but now I’m down from there for a solid 10 at 91. I’ve been doing weighted pull-ups, and my projected 1rm is 258lbs/117kg. Haven’t tested for reps recently, I might do that this week 👀

  7. On a good day 10 but i am considered obese according to my scale and bmi ….also looking at my body in the mirror …work needs to get done.

  8. 5 good ones w/o band. I have a band across the lower part of my rack so I do band assisted most of the time. I do 3 sets of twelve and get a good stretch. works for me

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