ive only really talked to this guy seriously a few times. our longest conversations always end up happening after a party or when ive been drinking. the first time we hung out at a party this semester he told me to sit by him and our arms touched and we just talked a lot. last weekend though we talked for multiple hours, and it ended with him cuddling me on a couch and stroking my legs/side/stomach/neck for like three hours, literally until 8 in the morning before i got scared i was keeping him up too late and told him id better go to sleep.
he hasnt really talked to me since then and im kind of tired of having short-lived text conversations about random things that i always initiate. hes invited me to do multiple different things with him, but ive had to postpone or was already busy. i dont know if i should just grow a pair and ask him to hang out because i have low self esteem and keep running myself in circles trying to make up some reason for why he would cuddle and touch me like that for that long platonically, or not really be interested. i also dont want to come on too strong since we havent hung out a ton and its not like we know each other super well, but i dont want to friendzone myself either. every time weve seen each other since lst weekend its just been an awkward hello and we go our separate ways. maybe hes just nervous too?

tldr; guy im not that close to cuddled me for hours last weekend and i dont know how to take it

  1. Girl… Ask him out already.

    He’s probably starting to think YOU’RE not interested. He keeps inviting you out to things but you postpone, you have all these long deep talks and physical touch but you haven’t said anything. Which is why he’s now being awkward, he thinks he was pushing you and now he’s withdrawing.

    “I don’t want to come on too strong” YOU SPENT ALL NIGHT CUDDLING THAT SHIP HAS SAILED!! Ask. Him. Out.

  2. >hes invited me to do multiple different things with him, but ive had to postpone or was already busy.

    Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he does not think you’re into him. It very much seems like you’re avoiding him.

    If you want a date, the ball is in your court.

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