Boring answer but mine has to be Coca Cola

  1. Mountain dew pitch black with Baja blast as a second. Ironically I try to stick to coke if I do drink soda because 12 fl oz of coke is 140 cal and a can of mountain dew is 170 cal. Cut where you can

  2. I’m not a big fan of soft drinks, tending to prefer water. The closest I’ll drink, if available, is La Croix and similar flavored carbonated waters without sugar.

  3. Ginger Beer, specifically Kirks. Other ginger beer is far to sweet with none of the spice of ginger.

  4. Pepsi, but Coca-Cola works. Quit drinking it regularly in 2018 due to health concerns.

    But I love the stuff. I love it so much sometimes at a bar I’ll order just a coke instead of a cocktail/beer. Figure its the similar sugar calories and real treat for me.

  5. Monster Energy Drink, although not commonly considered a soft drink. But still same category technically.

  6. Jarritos Mandarin flavor or Cactus Cooler. Though I can’t say no to a Coke on hot days.

  7. Depends on the situation but I’d say the winner is the dias de muertos Monster can.

  8. Dr. Pepper Cream soda. I remember when it was announced and I bought a case to try it out. It easily won me over. Though I have cut back on caffeine to focus more on water and stuff like apple juice, whenever I want caffeine, that’s my go to.

  9. Root beer.

    If I eat out, the place I go to better have unlimited refills, or else I’d easily pay $15 in root beer drinks alone.

  10. Afri-cola

    Used to be able to find it at specialty grocery stores in my area but haven’t seen it in years.

  11. I hate soft drinks, idk why.. usually get a plain or flavoured tonic with a lime. Also don’t mind a good ginger beer, non alcoholic beer, or a kombucha.

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