Whenever I’m talking to friends on the phone or my friend who lives with me and his room is next to me I will be thinking I’m talking normal but then the host home provider and the other guy will be like geez why do u have to be soo loud and they both say can u lower your voice and honestly it makes me mad and makes me feel like I can’t speak at all when I’m happy or feeling any other emotion. Example- this morning at 8am my host home provider was downstairs and I was talking to my friend in his room and the host home provider was like you should be quiet cause she thought my friend was still sleep when he wasn’t, like what should I do about this situation??

  1. You may have a booming voice or you may just put more power behind your voice than most people. Pay attention to how other people talk. Take note of how much power they are putting behind their voice, how softly they might be speaking, the volume they are typically speaking at and do your best to adapt to that average. I’ve known plenty of people who just didn’t realize they were loud people, but 100% of the time they just never paid any attention to how other people talk.

    I was always told “inside voice and outside voice” when growing up, maybe now you are using your outside voice when instead you need to be using your inside voice.

  2. It sounds frustrating, but maybe you could try finding a compromise with your host home provider by discussing your communication volume preferences with them.

  3. Try to focus when speaking with others. Practice when alone. Think back on what you did right/wrong. Things can change real quick.

    Good luck, friend!

  4. I also have this. My mom also talks loud and it can induce ear pain in me. I can hear her clearly speaking when she goes to the neighbour and is talking to them outside (it’s 10 metres away).

    And i think i got in the habit of talking loudly because my parents do tend not to hear what i say (kinda what could one expect when they ask you a question while being on a different floor and have tue tv on?). I got accustomed to my voice, so i have no clue that i talk too loud.

    So when people ask me to talk quieter – i oblige, because i myself don’t like loud talking. I do get surprised when people hear what i’m saying in a voice that feels like a whisper to me. So I try to develop a feeling of a voice that is hear but not loud at the same time.

    Though i return to loud volume subconciously when i get excited about something or “in the moment”.

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