I have a crush on someone I do a recreational sport with. We’re both women in our late 20s and we’re both gay. I’ve never asked out anyone in my life before.

I think she might be into me because she’s been very touchy with me. My friends all think she’s been making moves. I’m not sure because I’ve noticed her be kind of touchy with others too.

I think I should shoot my shot but I have no idea how. We don’t talk a ton and I’m scared of getting rejected and making things awkward. We’ve texted once and it was only a short logistics conversation. The sport finishes in a few weeks and I’m not sure if she or I will do another season so I feel like this is my chance.

How should I do it? Should I text her? It’s hard to get a moment in private at the sport. Should I suggest a coffee date? Dinner? Leave it up in the air?

Please help this useless lesbian figure out dating.

  1. Ask her tk grab a drink or a bite tk eat after the sport one night and see if she reacts. If you go out try to gauge how she’s acting and let her know you find her sexy/cute/attractive and see how she reacts.

    If she likes you it’ll be very hard to mess up. If she doesn’t, there’s other fish in the sea and yku get closure.


  2. Firstly the most important thing is to ask her for a date in the first place, it shows that youre interested and asking is sexy.

    Secondly pick a date location mainly you and secondary she is comfortable in. If you feel the most at ease when taking a walk do that for example. What I can give you as tip is that activity dates seem to make you bond more than simply talking over a table while eating or drinking coffee.

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