What is something you do right away when you think you may be getting sick?

  1. Hydrate and sleep. So much sleep. Every time I get a nice long sleep I feel about 30% better when I wake up.

  2. Drink a fuck ton of water, sleep with wet towels on the radiator so the air isn’t so dry and sleep a lot.

  3. Clean my house, order groceries. I’ve got autoimmune diseases so when I get sick I go down hard and take a long time to get better.

  4. Chug water and take like 5 different flu tablets and then have a long nap. Probably not the best but it seems to work

  5. Boil a bunch of ginger with the juice of at least one lemon for ten minutes, add local honey and sage, and drink it. Put on thick wool socks if the cold season.

  6. Eat ground turmeric powder. Especially if I feel weird in my throat, I swallow it in a way it touches my throat. Almost always works for me…

  7. Vitamins, soup, tea, extra water, orange juice, locate the cold & flu medicine, hot bath, bed.

  8. I make this fresh ginger/cinnamon/vanilla/honey/milk tea. Steam it – strain it. Let it sit. Take a hot shower. Rub a bit of Vicks on my chest. Wear my most comfy pajamas. Take some Tylenol. Drink my tea. Go to bed.

  9. I remember hearing years ago that when you feel like you’re coming down with something you can reduce symptoms by so much, just from sleeping. I’ve always done that and down some electrolytes.

    There have been a few times my husband and I have taken a blend of mushroom supplements by Paul Stamets company (we love him) for immune support when we know something nasty is going around. Its absolutely worked.

  10. Immediately slow down, have a warm drink and start consuming more liquids, and have some vitamins and echinacea

  11. if my throat feels itchy, i’ll do a salt water gargle. my mom swore by this when covid started as part of her daily routine. make sure i’ve taken all my vitamins, hydrate, and sleep early.

  12. Nothing in particular. I might try to stay warm, but I don’t think it makes a difference.

  13. Get food that only need to be heated Like Frozen Pizza or Something (what i normaly Not eat). When sick maybe i have no Power to cook

  14. Mild exercise. Usually no impact or low impact cardio. Sometimes my body tells me to stop and I know I am going to be really sick. But 9/10 times it makes me feel much better. I think it might be linked to the slight raise in my body temperature helping to fight off an infection.

  15. Make hot tea and start eating cough drops. I have bad lungs, so it always becomes bronchitis no matter how mild the sickness is. So I just stock up on theraflu, Vicks, and Mucinex and wait for the inevitable. On the bright side, masking up at work means I no longer have to wear make up.

  16. I make sure I’m staying hydrated, eat well, try to maintain low stress and get plenty of sleep. I also wear a mask at work and when I go out.

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