Men, you’re on first time holiday in London with your lady and want to hit a real Brit pub for a pint, etc. She wants to go visit the Vagina Museum (“the English are so sophisticated!”) What is your response?

  1. “Sure. Let’s go. We can wait until we get to Wales for a pint. I don’t know any locals in London”

  2. My girl wouldn’t ask me to go since I don’t watch porn or jackoff. No reason for me to attend a museum like that.

  3. There’s only one response necessary: “The largest tank museum in the world is a few hours drive south in Bovington, England. You can look at a vagina any time you want, but you rarely can see a Jagtiger, T-34, and Sherman all in the same building. You’re welcome.”

  4. No doubt their will be a pub near by so off you pop love enjoy yourself whilst I enjoy this cold beverage or two.

    Had to check as I thought you was on about the Victoria and Albert Musuem to start with.

  5. First I assume that any pub I find is going to be cookie-cutter franchise style and the “authentic” ones are squirreled away in very very non-touristy parts of town. Regardless, I’m happy to go to the museum with her if she’s happy to chill at a pub with me.

  6. I’d probably ask if we could go to the boobies museum instead, or maybe just to a park?

  7. Okay. We’ll go to the vagina museum and then out for a pint.

    I have a hard time believing the pubs close first.

  8. I didn’t even know that was a thing. Of course we’re going to the Vagina Museum. Then we’re going to the pub.

  9. I would go to the Vagina Museum with her. I would take an interest in what I saw there. I don’t mean hamming it up or going over the top; just listen to her when she talks about what she finds interesting or doesn’t; occasionally make a comment on something I have seen that I find noteworthy or think she might be interested in. That sort of thing.

    Once she’d had enough, on the way out, I would say “How about that pub now?” If it was close to a meal time, I’d suggest googling to find a pub with good revews for its food as well as its beer.

    Over the meal or one of the pints, i would suggest that we visit the Imperial War Museum on the next day or the Royal Museums of Greenwich (naval history and astronomy). And given that I just spent two looking at vaginas, I would very much be hoping not only for a “yes no problem” but for the same polite interest and engagement I had just shown.

  10. I’d say, “darlin, if you want to stand around and stair at cunts all day, let’s go stand on Downing Street. We can do that for free.
    Or we could just go to Wetherspoons. That place is full of cunts, and we can have a drink while we watch them.”

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