I lost my virginity to a boy i have known for 2 years. We have talked about getting intimate, but i never wanted to. He knows that i am not the type of person that is comfortable of getting intimate. He knows that it takes a lot for us to become intimate as I like to make it a challenge, and also he is the one and only person i have kissed with, and i am 20 years old. We have always enjoyed each others Company, so not everything has been about getting close. But about three weeks ago i decided to let him take my virginity, because i thought i was ready, and we have had many deep talks about it, where he has made me more comfortable about it. So we did it, and i have not heard from him since. We still have each other on social media, but we are in no contact. What should i do? I feel used and embarassed that i got played, and i feel like a fool. I feel bad about myself, that i put my trust in a person for the frist time, despite all the things he knew about i was so uncomfortable with everything and i for once gathered the courage to do it…

  1. Well its over, virginity is gone.
    Now you live the rest of your life like everyone else.
    Except now you don’t need to be caught up on losing it to the right guy, and can just enjoy sex.

  2. Commenting here because it looks like I am banned from the other sub. You have ghosted him too. You can call him.

    It is weird you made so many posts but refuse to text him.

  3. Girl it’s the same post, posted 10 times. It’s clearly eating you up, ask him.

    You will have your definitive answer then…..

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