I talk a lot in class. I go to a private school and am in high level classes. I don’t correct people or tell people what to do or act like a teacher, yet they either get angry, annoyed, or almost disgusted. I was talking today, and a friend said to me that this girl mouthed “shut the fuck up” as I was saying something. I was told by another friend that someone told her that everyone in my English/History class thinks I talk way too much.

I don’t get it. Other people can talk more? Why are they making fun of me for making the most of going to a great school? Some told me that I talk a lot but what I say is actually helpful to what we’re talking about (especially when nobody else raises their hand). I never try to suck up to the teacher or be a kiss ass, so I just don’t know what these people want from me. I get that I’m in high school and people are mean, but I just feel like everyone hates me and it’s starting to make me hate myself a bit.

  1. I 100% get you! I do this and find it absurd that people will not answer teachers. I would say just avoid being the person asking questions in front of the whole class when people are putting away their material to leave. Also, are the teachers annoyed by you?

  2. I think it’s great that you DO talk and volunteer — there’s nothing more boring than watching the teacher drone on and no one participates. At the same time, you don’t want to be the person who participates the MOST. In other words, maybe just lower your level of participation to once or twice per class.

    Also it might help if you can incorporate a bit of humor into what you’re saying, or even mention others in class if there’s an opportunity to do so. “Oh, hey, Dylan gave me this idea…” or “Anna and I were talking about…” or “Tyler was saying…”

    If you can. It would make you a LOT more charismatic!

  3. There’s no way to know why some people judge and criticize other people for certain things, they may say it’s how much you talk but usually when someone behaves like that it’s the consequence of insecurity or the need to lift themselves up by trying to make someone else feel inferior.

    It’s all meaningless. If someone tells you to be quiet who has the authority to do so, like a teacher or something, then I would listen. But this sort of criticism is completely meaningless.

    Be who you are, fuck what they think.

  4. I always talk the most in class. I find that if I completely shut my mouth, or if I’m absent for a day, no one says anything. Like, at all.

    As long as you’re not taking away opportunities from other students, it’s fine

  5. I went to school with someone like you. “I have a question…” followed by groans was common. She’s now an engineer and a mountain biking machine. If the teachers take no issue with you being engaged and interested in the material, the other students can enjoy squandering their education while you have a solid future.

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