One week ago my boyfriend of 6 months was telling me on the phone that he discovered people were talking behind his back after he offered them some favor. I said this happened way more often than not and sometimes it’s best to ignore and carry on with our businesses. He was furious, hung up immediately and messaged me saying that I wasn’t thoughtful and supportive of him. We talked again later and I was quite emotional because he came close to ending our relationship. He said we had different value and he wanted a teammate who understood him. He believed it was a big deal even though I didn’t say anything out of line, and because I had people talk badly about me a lot before I understood his feelings. He has been in a bad place for not being able to find a job and I think this incident bruised his ego. I couldn’t believe he wanted to throw away all the good things we had just because of one sentence I couldn’t finish. We kinda swept it under the rug because he hated hearing me cry but since then he hasn’t been the same. His energy around me depletes, he doesn’t text or call as much and we didn’t kiss once when I was staying at his place on the weekends. Should I bring this up or give him space?

TLDR: My boyfriend starts to pull away after argument and I’m afraid he’s gonna break up with me

  1. This is pretty concerting, six months should still be honeymoon phase, he blows up over a comment like that (to me innocuous advice, even if he wanted sympathy in the moment, you didn’t exactly tell him he was being unreasonable) and is now giving you the cold shoulder instead of communicating and then putting it in the past where it belongs? Have there been other incidents like this where he goes zero to sixty?

    I would communicate but if it ends the relationship, maybe it wasn’t meant to be. To me he jumped too quickly to ending it, which probably means on some level he wants to end it.

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