For the past 6 years, I haven’t met a single one of my old friends. This started after I quit my studies, and then the pandemic came and solidified this state.

There’s this one friend, though, who’s been often asking me to hang out with her over the past few years. Recently, she asked me twice in a month, and as usual, I came up with excuses. Truth is, I actually appreciate her for not forgetting me and still inviting me to stuff every once in a while, despite me constantly declining. I’m really grateful, and I actually want to hang out with her, but just can’t bring myself to say “yes”, so I always end up coming up with some lame excuse. I’m sure many of you know that feeling.

Still, I’ve decided that I can’t keep going like this. I WANT to get out of my comfort zone and start socializing again. To do that, I need to, you know, socialize. Since I’m lucky enough to have this one friend who keeps inviting me, I think I should take this opportunity as a way to revive my social life, even if just a little. If I wait for her to invite me again, it might not happen, who knows…

I’m thinking of inviting her to go grab a bite for lunch or something. Problem is, I’m terrified. Do you guys have any tips? How do I invite her? And if she accepts, what do I do? And what do I talk about?

I really don’t want to show her an unsightly view of a 26 year old guy struggling to talk, keeping his head low the entire time.

1 comment
  1. She’s your friend right? She will immediately understand once you tell her why you have been struggling. There’s no reason to pretend everything has been fine.
    Simply say “hey let’s grab a coffee on xyzday”. Then when you’re there, go with the flow as to who starts updating who first, and at some point you switch.

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