I genuinely want to stop craving attention from my colleagues and managers. I get a high, a sense of happiness and belonging, when I have a nice interaction with them—this can be a casual conversation or something more serious like a career path discussion. Then, if let’s say a few days go by and these same people don’t make an effort to speak to me, I get sad. I start wondering if they’re upset with me, if they dislike me, did I do or say something wrong? Typing it out sounds ridiculous but it’s the truth. Another example is when I feel excluded. Let’s say a manager or colleague chats up those around me but skips me or doesn’t acknowledge me—this too will get my mind going and spinning, asking myself a thousand and one questions like, why did they not choose me to make small talk with? Why didn’t they get lunch with me instead? Etc. I know not everyone will like me; I know colleagues and managers aren’t ever really your friends. Yet somehow I need their attention. In a way I equate their attention to a sense of belonging at work and feeling like I’m “in.” So, naturally if there’s distance or silence then I feel left out. I want to not care about work and colleagues and managers. I want to worry more about my personal relationships which I feel that I’ve been neglecting. But I don’t know how to change my mindset? How do I gain true self confidence? For background, I grew up as an only child with a verbally abusive father who was both verbally and physically abusive to my mom. Had a stammer/stutter up until about 9 years old. Very few friends growing up who all seemed to move away, which I viewed as bad luck with friendships. Appreciate any help.

1 comment
  1. Attention-seeking behavior may stem from jealousy, low self-esteem, loneliness, or as a result of a personality disorder

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