As the title says, i’ve heard of this and i’m wondering if the claims are true, i read that this kind of orgasm is similar to a woman’s orgasm (intense, full body with no refractory period…)
What are your thoughts/experiences about this ??

  1. I cannot say if it is or is not like a female’s orgasm, but I can say it feels fantastic. It is different than the traditional way to get off and it does give you waves of pleasure you can feel over and over. Worth a try if you haven’t yet.

  2. Yes, I am able to experiment it. Not the huge full body orgasm I was dreaming of though. To me, it is less intense than a regular one. Sperm is oozing out in slow and continuous flow, not the regular squiring type of ejaculation. I guess I will keep practicing from time to time.

  3. Yes, it is real.

    I have had a couple of multiple orgasm experiences, the orgasms were closely timed maybe 10 to 20 seconds apart. They were incredibly intense. Can’t say if they are the same as a woman’s orgasm but for me it’s like a 5x to 10x increase in orgasm intensity.

    Since this was manual stimulation I can’t really say about the refractory period. I stopped stimulation after the orgasms as I just didn’t have the energy to continue and just wanted to bask in the post orgasm bliss.

    It takes patience and practice to achieve this. I use an njoy pure wand to reach prostate orgasms.

    Good luck!

  4. Not really an orgasm like there’s a peak. Having something pressed against it is going to feel like you’re in constant orgasm. Until you pressed for too long or too hard and go into this blue ball like pain period.

  5. Yes! I haven’t had many, but the first one I had was intense, and no refractory period! My cum was different, too… Less viscous and a lot sweeter. I got a side by side comparison because I jerked off like 5 minutes later. It felt very different, and my penis didn’t feel beaten up (go figure)

    That said, I have had other prostate orgasms that weren’t so intense, have had refractory periods… It seems like it can be all over the place. So, it _CAN_ be similar to a woman’s orgasm as you said, but there’s no guarantee.

  6. Very real. Once you get the hang of it you won’t want to go back. It’s quite amazing honestly.

  7. God yes.
    And it feels amazing and it lasts longer than a standard one if you want to call it that I guess and when I have one of those the amount of cum that I make is amazing.
    Just keeps flowing forever it feels like

  8. When I have done it I just leaked a lot of jizz or whatever from my dick. Lots of interesting feelings. Not as intense as a dick orgasm. But yeah fun.

  9. yes. But it depends from person to person. I have an ultra sensitive prostate, and it is amazing for me.

  10. Yes. As someone who has experienced this (solo).
    But it also depends from man to man.

    As for me, I’ve had no refractory period and I stay completely soft during the whole process and keep ejaculating even when I’m flaccid. But some men get rock hard.
    And some men are incapable of ejaculating during prostate stimulation but feel the orgasm pleasure nevertheless.

    The pleasure part is true though. You feel a sort of electric jolt throughout your body like your soul leaves your body. Give it a shot if you haven’t yet. Make sure you use something very clean and hopefully something that doesn’t get stuck in your anus.

  11. Very real indeed!

    I have been playing with my prostate for a while now and it took me around 6 months to experience what I can call an orgasm.

    I can now chain them and stay orgasming for several minutes in a row. It feels incredible and is much more powerful than the traditional penile orgasms you know. They involve the whole body and I still feel waves of pleasure several hours later.

    If you browse my profile, I have posted a story earlier today on r/ProstatePlay that you may find interesting.

    Anyways, if you feel curious just remember to relax, learn listening to what feels nice and follow those sensations. Take your time, enjoy what you feel rather than trying to reach a specific target. Like the rainbow, the more you walk towards it, the further it is. Let it come to you.

  12. I like ass play. I’ve used various toys and have been fingered. It’s usually very pleasurable, but I’ve never experienced a “prostate only” orgasm.

    For me, the sensations just supplement and amplify the orgasm I’m getting from the piv, blowjob, or handjob that’s going on at the same time. It’s not just prostate stimulation – just playing around and just inside my ass feels really good. The orgasm is usually significantly more intense and pleasurable, but not like some sort of exotic “different kind” of orgasm.

    Edit: I’m not saying “prostate orgasms” aren’t real. I’ve just never had one. And ass play can still be really pleasurable even without that

  13. Yes there real and hits the spot ha

    While jacking just underneath your balls if you place 2 fingers and apply a little bit pressure you will feel veins massage around there. You hitting your gspot from the outside so you don’t have to skip a finger in.

  14. My gf literally pegged me 2 hours ago, yes, prostate orgasms are very much a thing not only by prostate stimulation but 4 me it was very long and very intense.

  15. Yes. It’s one of the most intense orgasms I have. It takes awhile to get there, but it’s definitely worth it.

  16. I’ve had a couple, it took some effort though, what they don’t tell you is that men’s prostates can vary greatly in location, sensitivity and capability to be manually stimulated.

    You have to be very comfortable with experimenting with your own body and with your butt and anal stimulation. If you’re not anywhere near that point, go very slowly. Maybe just start with learning to masturbate with light pressure against your anus so you can start associating pressure down there with sexual pleasure, then move to plugs and slowly introduce more task-oriented stimulation wands and insertables with handles.

    This is no place to be uncomfortable with your sexuality either, if you are heterosexual and you associate anal/prostate stimulation with gay sex, and this idea makes you uncomfortable, you’re never going to be able to enjoy it. For this reason, it may be worth abandoning any notions that a prostate orgasm is “more like a woman’s orgasm” because again, if you’re at all sensitive about your sexuality, these associations may make you unable to relax enough to enjoy it.

    The prostate is back in there, you won’t reach it easily with your fingers. You may be able to find it, but you likely won’t be able to maintain pressure on it. For me, experimenting with different shaped stimulators and plugs helped me find something that when inserted, I can shift forward and backward in my seat to make it press on my prostate. This along with slow, unhurried masturbation/edging has led a couple of times to a kind of orgasm that seems to originate somewhere deep inside, like cold waves that go up and down my back. I have no idea if this is how it feels for a woman, and it shouldn’t be a goal, rather it should be something to enjoy for its own sake because it’s different and it feels amazing.

  17. I have tried with a prostate massager, got nothin.. but then again i dont really do anal play with my wife,, tho im not against it

  18. Yes! Intense and multiple orgasms that last. I’ve even had aftershocks hours later that make me shiver.

  19. I used to peg my ex. Can confirm multiple orgasms were given. As far as refractory period- slowing down for a few seconds worked, person was able to orgasm again and again.

  20. Yes, it makes usual run of the mill orgasms feel flat and 2D when you compare them side by side.

  21. Very real and absolutely incredible. I have nearly continuous orgasms for as long as I care to enjoy them, no refractory periods, and they leave you energized and high on endorphins.

  22. Insane, Intense. I have never had an orgasm like that. I leaked during, I have never cummed that much, not that thick as usual. Quite a few good spurts intense…..want another that’s for sure

  23. Yes.
    I can attest it’s real.
    It’s quite astounding when it happens.
    For me, it always seems to come out of nowhere.

  24. It’s very much so real. I let a previous partner finger it while she deepthroated. I don’t think I’ve had that big an orgasm in my entire life nor since. Wouldn’t necessarily say I liked the buildup but the release was crazy. Very crazy.

  25. Real and so hot. I love to give my partner one… nothing hotter. Fingering his ass while sucking and licking on his dick. He cums so hard

  26. I describe the orgasm like when you get your balls racked only pleasure that starts out mild and grows to a peak and slowly subsides. My cock is usually limp and the cum runs out like a small stream, no pulsing ejaculation. I am usually riding my toy or cock

  27. Very real, but it’s also very different. It is much less localized than a penile orgasm. Also, though penile orgasms are over in seconds, the climax of a prostate orgasm can last substantially longer.

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