I just started to hear them say this. It’s without the ‘so much’?? I find it strange.

  1. I’ve never heard this, I generally hear “Thank you, so much.” Or “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

  2. Do you mean “thank you so much”? I barely ever hear anyone add the “so much” but usually it means they are very grateful, compared to just being grateful.

  3. Because somebody provided ice for my beverage in a warm climate and I’m grateful. So much.

  4. I’ve heard people say “thanks much” here in NYC but would generally discourage it. Generally women tend to say it. Either way (regardless of whether a man or woman says it), from my perspective it sounds kind of disingenuous. I wouldn’t recommend using this. Just say “thanks,” “thank you,” “thanks very much,” etc., but not “thanks much” or “thank you much.”

  5. I think it’s the way they speak. Sometimes, it’s seems like a word or letter is silent even it’s not.

  6. It is usually said “thanks much” and it is short for “thank you so much”

  7. It’s just “thank you so/very much” but without the so/very bc laziness. We rlly don’t say that often though, I’ve maybe heard it like three times total.

  8. Not often, but in my experience, when people do it, they do it with a nudge and a wink. Like they know it’s not grammatically correct, they’re just saying it to say something different and a little bit funny

  9. I say that all the time. Because I want to thank someone more than a little.

  10. We say “Thank you so much” and as we rush out the door, sometimes the _so_ is dropped.

  11. We don’t say that where I live. I’m guessing it’s just “thank you very much” but the “very” got dropped somewhere along the line.

  12. I don’t know. I’ve heard it before and it’s one of those things that bugs me more than it should

  13. I hear it infrequently. It’s a shortening of “thank you very much” or “thank you so much”.

  14. I am Pennsylvanian and this is said here. It’s in-between formal and friendly, like how one might end a phone call with a customer service rep that was kind and helpful.

  15. I’ve heard it a few times, but I wouldn’t say it’s common enough to ask a whole country about it.

  16. Ive heard, and say, “thank you very much” but never just “thank you much”? Maybe you just didn’t hear the so or very?

  17. I use “thank you much” as well as “thanks much” i casual conversation.

    It’s just a less formal way of saying “thank you very much”.

  18. I started hearing this too from older people. Not sure why; I think it sounds strange.

  19. I say that. I’m a fluent american-english speaker using it with other fluent american-english speakers.

    I’m being familiar and affable and folksy.

  20. If I ever hear “Thank you much” I will recoil from the stupidity.

  21. I don’t think I’ve heard “Thank you, much” but I have heard “Thanks much” a lot. Seems like most of the people I’ve heard use that are from the Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC area.

  22. I’ve heard this said a little bit, usually by older PA Dutch people (including but not limited to my family). I think the long version of “Thank you much” is actually “I thank you much”. The shortened version just deleting the first person pronoun.

    I am curious as to where you are hearing this all the time though, as I don’t think I’ve ever heard a younger person say this, and even for older people it is somewhat uncommon.

  23. I dunno why, I just say it sometimes. It’s something I’ve been hearing and saying for years, not a recent thing.

  24. I’ve never heard this. Definitely not a thing that’s big enough that “Americans” do it.

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