For instance the hottest girl ever = you finishing in just a few minutes, versus a girl you’re not that attracted to = lasting awhile. Is this how it works? If not, what factors about the sex and/or the girl determine how quickly you cum?

  1. nope.
    How long since last time I had sex, how good the sex is, how excited I am, etc, etc.

  2. No.

    Factors in my case are: how much do I like you? How enthusiastic are you during the act? How much initiative are you putting in? How are your skills when engaging?

    Having the face/body of a curvy and voluptuous super model can be a plus, but it’s not necessarily the main driving factor in how long I last.

  3. For me it’s got a lot more to do with how she feels and how much I’ve been getting laid lately. The more in practice I am the longer I last.

  4. This can be how it works. But its definitely not the only factor; which to me means theres no way to know for sure because he could be nervous, maybe its been a while, or maybe hes stressed. There are so many factors its impossible to know without an honest conversation. Personally though, if i fucked my dream woman right now, id definitely cum quicker than if i fucked a woman i was marginally attracted to.

  5. Her attractiveness gets me to the bed, the room may be pitch black for the act.

    Things that affect duration:

    My headspace: how into it am I right now, how much and how hot the warmup was, how tired am I. How much does my back hurt? (I am old)

    Where is her headspace: if she is getting really into it and giving me that good feedback this is coming soon.

    Sensation, good sensation can get it by itself, sometimes I have to pause and let it pass to not go before I want to.

    How long since the last activity.

    Triggers, certain acts thoughs or words that send me over the edge.

  6. No I’ll last a long time regardless, probably longer if I’m really into her because I don’t want it to stop

  7. Has no correlation for me. I’m 58, madly in love with my GF, I think she’s hot, beautiful and is perfect. I still take a very long time to cum. Thankfully she does too and she likes our marathon sex.

  8. Not at all! How fast I happen is more related to when I had sex last, when or how frequently I took care of myself, and alcohol…. So, lots of factors.

  9. Mainly excitement levels/ time in between sec rounds.
    For instance if it’s been 2 months without sex a guy may cum hella quick, from both of the above mentioned.
    Say you fullfil a sex fantasy he’s had for a while and you fucked yesterday, that would be the excitement.

    Tbh it just varies and even we as guys couldn’t pinpoint as to why sometimes haha

  10. I don’t have enough recent data points to know. But probably a little bit if I’m honest, but factors like excitedness and emotional connection matters much more.

  11. No, there’s so many other factors that impact how long I last. How attracted I am I don’t think even influences it at all

  12. Nope for me, it mostly psychological.

    If i’m super aroused and horny, i won’t last long.

    If i’m not really in the mood, i can last indefinitely.

    Its a cruel cruel situation.

  13. I think it’s mostly genetics in how long you last on average. But if you took the same guy and had him fuck the hottest girl he had ever seen, he’s going to come faster. If he wasn’t attracted to their girl at all, he might have trouble keeping an erection.

  14. Nope. General mood, how tired I am, how generally horny, when I last came, the specific activities we’re doing (including mechanics of friction/technique etc), enthusiasm, communication and passion from partner, when I last ate/drank, all kinds of other physical and mental factors.

    Attraction plays some part in terms of mood/psychology, so it’s not that it *can’t* have an effect, but it’s unlikely to ever be a sole deciding factor, it’s one part of a huge range of things, all of which are context dependent.

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