Hey guys I was just wondering if I should text my ex gf happy birthday… she wished me one last month … the night before… she said happy birthday and my pet name…

Do I say just “ Happy birthday “ or not wish her one..

I’m still in love her.. and she was the one who broke up with me .. she tells me time will tell if we are meant to be.. I’m moving this week too.. so it’s a whole a lot right now.. I’m feeling many emotions and I don’t want to make a wrong decision. She wants to keep talking.. and checking up on each other.. “Time will tell but rn do your thing, meet people make friends, don’t limit yourself, do you do what makes you happy, go to Florida, we can keep talking and check up on each other “ like this is the last thing she said to me. We have been broken up for some time now.. and I still feel the same about her as I did when we were dating… we broke up because she’s in college and she is working towards her career.. she completely shut me out… I honestly don’t think there is anyone else… but I know if I do wish her a happy birthday… it’s the last time I’m reaching out.. I guess my real question here is how should I word it .. I don’t want to just say “ happy birthday “ I feel it’s not enough .. should I say it and her pet name? Or her name?

  1. If you insist just say hb whatever her name is and leave it at that.

  2. It seems like she’s trying to keep you on the back burner while she enjoys being single in college. The whole “time will tell” thing is a MAJOR red flag. You deserve to be treated better than that. I would recommend just not texting her and do your best to move on.

  3. If it were me I wouldn’t say anything. She’s just going to keep you on the back burner and she’s going to Toy with you if she has nothing better to do.There are consequences for actions.

  4. I don’t see a problem with you wishing her HBD. But please move on. My gut is telling me you’re her backup. Her Plan B when she’s done being the single college girl or when she’s done playing around. The whole “only time will tell” is evidence you’re on the back burner. You deserve better than this.

  5. Thanks guys… I appreciate everything you guys are saying.. I’m moving soon and I think with everything you guys made me realize… I’ll be okay.. ❤️ I wish her happy birthday and that’s it .. she texts me I’ll just ignore her…

  6. I definitely will! I’m just going to wish her a happy birthday and… Block her thanks you ❤️ she put me through so much … all the comments make sense .. it’s just when it’s happening to you… you can’t always see it 🤧

  7. I think if you want to maintain the possibility of a future relationship you should wish her Happy Birthday, pet name optional.

    This does beg the question why you two broke up in the first place. You two still have feelings for each other so why all the foreplay? Lol.

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