So this girl, as she told me, was officially in a “relationship” with her ex for 1-2 weeks then got dumped. 7 months later he reached out again and this time the relationship lasted 2 months after which she got dumped again. After that she met me. We’re classmates in college, we went on several dates, cuddled etc. and I wanted to make things official with her. She was clearly interested and down for that but for some reason I never went for it.

Well, after about 7-8 months of us spending time together her ex reached out again, this time being the third, and she got back with him. Now I’m very regretful that I didn’t take the opportunity. I really like her and we got along super well. Should I wait and hope for her to break up again? Given that it’s the third time now?

TL;DR – this girl I know got dumped twice by her ex and I had an opportunity to make things official with her but I didn’t. Now she’s back with her ex for the 3rd time. Should I wait for her to break up again?

  1. You can wait, but do not do it for too long. You can also confess to her and apologise for not doing this earlier. You can also just move on. This is really just about how you feel.

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