So I (17F) met Griffin (18M) about 9 months ago at school and we became friends pretty quickly. We’ve talked a few times outside of school but mostly in class. In one of our classes, the teacher and all the other students think we like each other. I’m not exaggerating, a lot of people from that class have told me so and my teacher keeps looking over at us and smiling and giggling. My friends all think I like him too but I’m pretty sure I don’t.

We always jokingly make fun of each other but also compliment each other a lot, but that’s how all of my friendships are. But he’ll also say stuff like “What are your plans for prom? See you there!” and call me the prom queen and stuff even though I wasn’t. Also whenever I say I’m bad at something he always tells me how great I am.

I know that sounds like flirting to some people but not really to me, but maybe I just don’t have enough experience. I’m pretty sure also that he might like Michelle, another classmate, because of how he looks at her and acts towards her.

So Reddit, is Griffin flirting with me and/or Michelle or no one? And how can I find out for sure without straight up asking him?

Tldr: I’m friends with Griffin and other people think he’s flirting with me but I think he likes another girl instead. Is he flirting with me and how can I find out without asking him?

  1. Why do you want to know? You said you’re pretty sure you don’t like him. That’s all that matters, IMO.

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