what does love feel and falling out of love feel like to men?

  1. Love feels like waking up in a warm bed with someone you care about on a snowy day.

    Falling out of love feels like the feeling when you’re driving someone else’s car for the first time, just feels a little off. (This is poorly worded)

  2. Love feels like you are on the biggest high of your life. If you’re truly in love with someone. You are the only thing on our minds. We can’t wait to spend every second we can with you.

    Falling out of love/breakup/divorce is like something is slowly killing you. A part of you died and there’s nothing in the world that will ever fill the void left behind

  3. Your chest hurt without it being a actual physical pain. You feel like sick to your stomach. Your brain abandons all hope and optimism. It’s a shitty feeling.

  4. Love feels like you’re home. Falling out of love, it depends, it can be apathetic if it’s slow, but when it hits you, it’s tragic

  5. The first is a mixed bag of positive and painful feelings, the latter is an absence of feelings.

  6. Love: full and happy after a satisfying meal after being hungry for a while. Oh look! Your favourite desert! Oh I can’t say no!

    Out of love: getting tired of eating that meal so you do it to just get it over with

    Detesting previous love: getting sick of eating that meal where even the sight of it makes you notious

    Heartbreak: that meal had a bunch of razorblades inside it and it’s starting to shred your insides

  7. Falling out of love is a slow burn. Realizing you probably won’t see someone again hurts a lot. Falling in love is basically sunshine, rainbows, and lots of good sex.

  8. Falling in love feels like finding a part of your life that was missing. Falling out of love feels like it is missing again

  9. It feels light, like you’re at home and you can be yourself without judgement, you feel safe and fullfilled.

    Falling out of love I have no idea. I’m not a neurotypical so I don’t get bored like most people do. Every happy memory is unforgettable and valuable to me

  10. Love, man it feels like total bliss. The best high you can get. And losing that love is like having somone pumch you in the stomac, reach in and rip your heart out Mortal Komat style but non-stop for days why you have every emotion and insecurity flooding through your mind over analysing everything you said and did through the entire relationship to figure out what you did wrong and why you were good enough. Then you over analyse everything they did and said until you stick to one thing that pisses you off and ya it’s a cycle until you’re fried and exausted mentally and emotionally to the point you are cold and numb and just dont care. Then you level out and it starts all over on the next relationship.

  11. Falling out of love – for me was much harder/ more complicated.

    Loved my Ex-boyfriend even when I was in hospital, with my face broken, he did that and I was totally heartbroken. Leaving him was harder than all the physical pain and part of me just wanted to go back anyway.

    Falling ‘out‘ of love, the process messed me up *so badly* and it wasn’t until I met my fiancé that I stopped feeling ‘half in love‘ with my Ex.

    I still have his name on my wrist, a tiny tattoo and I don’t feel like ever getting it covered. Falling out of love is so much pain, it’s painful, and I don’t know if it’s even possible.

    It stays with you a bit, maybe for ever I dunno.

  12. Falling in love is litterlly the greatest dude. But just like being drunk, when it’s over it’s the worst

  13. Falling in love is a feeling of warmth in your chest and a strong sense of relief with mild flecks of anxiety.

    Falling out of love is like you just got shut out into a cold winter night.

    Guess to put it simply, Love makes you feel at home. Falling out is like that home was taken from you.

  14. It’s very rise and fall. Depending on how well you navigate relationships probably changes the experience. I’ll give my experience from when I was a junior in high school with very little experience and didn’t know much about dating.

    Falling in love is amazing bc you feel like there’s someone that you want to constantly be with. You’ll fantasize about things you’d want to do with them even if it’s years away or very improbable even if she was just as interested as you are.

    For me I got very anxious and I just didn’t know how to even talk to her, I wanted to be interested in her and have conversations for her. I remember spacing out in math class legit just trying to go over the conversations I just *might* have.

    Before I met this girl I had a few crushes through school but no one that I actually talked to every day.

    I think over the course of about a year I really messed things up and she doesn’t really text me anymore, I would say the falling out of love feels like missed opportunities and bits of regret bc you wish you did things differently.

  15. It depends on the person. Personally, I’d say there is usually initial infatuation. Which can be very euphoric but will inevitably die down. Then there is a kind of stable partnership where you feel very connected to the person. Honestly, I’d say that is the best part of love. Specifically, when you have someone in your life that you can depend on and trust. It’s a very stable/consistent feeling, you both work well together.

    Falling out of love feels like the opposite of those things. You might still have residual feelings where you care for the person, but subconsciously some part of you just can’t stand being around them anymore. Or you go out of your way to actively avoid them. It might start small and grow over time. It might just completely hit you all at once. For me, it felt like I lost respect for the person. Their actions would constantly annoy me, I didn’t trust their judgement anymore, we’d argue a lot, the arguments felt tedious, any sense of intimacy between us completely died, I started to imagine my life without them in it (and it made me happy). The other person’s flaws begin to become more apparent, things like that.

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