Just wondering, if I apply lotion specifically Palmers cocoa butter formula oil on my penis the night before, and plan on having sex the next day, should I wash it off in the morning or is it ok to leave on? Dealing with penis dryness after using steroid creams to cure balinitis…

Also ordered some Man1 Oil but that hasn’t been delivered yet

Might sound like a silly question but I’m serious

  1. I’d definitely wash off any lotions or creams before intercourse. Although I don’t know of anything alarming about cocoa butter specifically, there are lots of lotions that while technically harmless can be really irritating around the urethra and inside the vagina. Clean and dry is better:-)

    Use lubricants intended for intercourse, then after sex clean up your genitals with mild soap and water and reapply your moisturizer. Good luck with the dry skin!

  2. Any type of lotion i would for sure just to be safe. I recommend using almond oil. Its safe for skin uses such as massages dry skin and lubrication. Its like a better lotion in my opinion

  3. My girl’s vagina is very important to me and I never want it to be out of service due to a yeast infection or anything like that.

    I slip in a shower before sex. I use lotion daily, and I make sure that is off before sex. So far, so good.

  4. Honestly, talk to the doctor that diagnosed you with the lotion. You never know what your partner could be allergic to, or what could give them a yeast infection or UTI.

    Personally I would wash it off, but that’s just me.

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